Leah's POV

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Make sure to go back and read the previous chapter, I changed it so Aryan and Leah met😁

On the way back to the hotel, all Floyd could talk about was me kissing Walker, and when mom called to ask how it went, do you know what the first thing he said was....

" LEAHS GOT A BOYFRIEND" he said while grinning like a maniac

My mom just smiled and then started asking a million questions about him.

"What his name?"

"How old is he"

"Is he cute"

"Is he white"

"Have you guys kissed"

"Walker, 14, no comment, yes, yes, and WE ARE NOT DATING" I responded 

My nodded her head disappointedly, then what I said must have registered in her head because then she got all giddy.

"DID YOU SAY YOU GUYS KISSED" she said excitedly 

I started blushing and before I'm could answer, Floyd sent her the picture of me and Walker kissing.

Then she started squealing, and jumping around the room.

" You said you guys kissed, not make out" she said


"It was for the chemistry read" I said quietly 

"Doesn't matter, with a kiss like that, you guys are totally in love" my mom said excitedly 

When did my mom turn into a teenage girl?

I told her about the rest of my audition and she said she was really happy for me, but needed to go do something for work, We hung up just in time to arrive at my favorite place to eat


I ordered a chicken nugget meal with a Sunjoy (for those who don't know a sunjoy is just sweat tea and lemonade mixed together)

Time skip

When we went back to the hotel, I wasn't looking where I was going, and spilled my drink all over someone

" I am so, so, so, so sorry, can I help you clean that up?"

Then I finally looked up to see the person I bumped into

"Walker." I said in disbelief 

He grinned and wrapped me in one of his great big bear hugs, and laughed

"We just can't help running into each other, I just thought that it wouldnt be so literally"

I laughed along and asked if he wanted me to get him a new shirt.

" Don't worry about it" he waved me off

But then something must of clicked in his mind, because he started having a smile on his face

" But, you can go with me to get a new one, I've been wanting to check out the shops here."

"Sounds good, let me just ask my brother to drive us"

Floyd's POV (😱)

When we first arrived at the hotel, the first thing I saw was Leah spilling her drink on someone, I was about to make fun of her, when I saw them hugging 

I smirked, Walker, that girl really is clueless to not see the chemistry between them, I was about to go make fun of her for it when a girl that looked like a girl version of Walker stopped them.

" Leave them, they'll never figure it out by themselves if we keep helping them"

"Ahhh, I see your a fellow Waleah shipper" I said

" You bet, I'm Leena, Walkers big sister"

" I'm Floyd, Leahs big brother"

We continued talking until we heard them laughing

" I bet you 50 bucks they'll be dating in less than two months" she said 

" I bet you 50 bucks they'll be dating by the end of this month"

" Deal"

We shook on it, then Leah came over

" Can you take me Walker to the mall, he wants to get a new shirt" she asked

Leena shook her head, " Oh Leah, oh poor innocent Leah, he doesn't want a new shirt, he wants to spend alone time with you" she said

" You two can finally go on your first date" i said while smirking

She looked down while blushing 

" Can you please just drive us" she said annoyed

" sure thing, as long as I don't have to third wheel" I said

" don't worry, I'll come with you, I wanna see the lovebirds in action" Leena said while grabbing her purse

I grabbed my keys and headed to the car with the 3 of them

As I watched Walker and Leah talk and laugh the whole way there, I decided, then and there, that I was gonna help them... acknowledge, there feelings.


A/N: I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, it was sorta a filler since I have no clue what I want to happen next, so if you have idea's PLEASE tell me❤️

Faking it? Walker x LeahDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora