Leah's POV

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I shook my head in disbelief 

" I don't think I heard you right, did you say kiss" I said with a glimmer of hope

" Yup" Rick says, never missing a beat

I looked over at Walker hoping that he was as red as I felt, which he was. I thought I saw a flicker of a smile across his face, but it was gone so quickly I was sure I imagined it

" But, why. Percy and Annabeth don't even kiss till the fourth book." I asked

" We're thinking of having the enemies to lover trope happen faster in the series. They still won't kiss till the fourth season, but we want them to have more of a bond in the earlier seasons." He responded

" in order for us to do that, you guys have to show the chemistry with a kiss" he finished 

" But you didn't have me kiss any of the other Annabeths" Walker asked curiously 

" That's because none of the other Annabeths have the connection you two have, it didn't make sense to make you guys kiss" he said

I really hate it when people make sense

After the longest 4 second of my life, Walker turned towards me and asked

" Are you ok with this" he asked sincerely 

I felt myself smile, this man's boss told him to do something, and he's still asking for permission, he really is the perfect person 

I couldn't trust my voice to say anything, so I simply nodded my head

He sucked in a breath, then started leaning in, in that moment time seemed to stand still

When his lips finally met mine, all I felt was pure bliss, I was shocked for a second, but once I recovered I kissed him back almost immediately 

I didn't know how long we were standing there kissing, but it must have been a while, because the next thing I heard was a phone click near the back of the room, and  a laugh from Rick

" I said kiss, not make out" he said while laughing 

I suddenly turned an even brighter shade of red than I was before.

"Sorr-" i started to say before Rick cut me off

"Don't be, it was cute" he said with a wink 

"Well Leah, thank you so much for seeing us today, we'll get back to you in about a week" Rick said in a formal tone again

I nodded and told him thank you again, I gave Walker one last bear hug and told him to text me hen he was done. He nodded and hugged me even tighter

Once again we were interrupted by Ricks laughter 

" Never gets old" he says with a slight chuckle 

I gave everyone one last goodbye and walked out of the audition room

On my way out, I saw a boy that looked about 16 nervously typing on his phone. I decided to walk up to him and introduce myself 

" Hi, I'm Leah what's your name?" I asked

" I'm Aryan"

I took a look over him and his energy

"Grover right" I said

He laughed, and said, " you got it"

"You ok, you look like you're about to have a panic attack" I asked

" Close too it, I'm really nervous, I've never really had any big role's before, so I'm just really want to do good"

" I'm sure you'll do great, and hey, if you feel nervous, just talk to the blonde guy with blue eyes. He's really nice, he should help you feel better" I say

He smiled, "He's realllllly nice isn't he." He asked with a smirk

"You saw us kiss didn't you" I said

"Yup" he said, still smirking 

"BTW, if I get the part, I am teasing you two about that for the rest of my life" he said

I rolled my eyes, "I'm sure you will"

We talked for a couple more minutes, before he had to head in to audition, I wished him luck and then walked away to find Floyd.

When I walked out of the room I saw Floyd typing furiously on his phone, when he noticed me he gave me a sly smile

Uh oh

" So Leah, what was that about you and Walker not dating" he said trying to hold on a grin

Oh shit, he knows 

I knew exactly what he was talking about, but because I'm me, I asked anyways 

" What do you mean" I asked, anticipating the answer

He suddenly couldn't contain his laugh, and turned his phone around

It was a picture of me and Walker kissing, actually no, scratch that. It was a picture of me and Walker totally making out

A/N - just as a disclaimer, this story will have making out eventually. I am NOT going to sexualize them in any way. But I am saying that it is normal for people to make out, without it going THAT far. 

And to top off all my misery, he had posted it.

FloydJeffries - uh, huh, totally not dating - TAGGED - WalkerScobell, LeahJeffries

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FloydJeffries - uh, huh, totally not dating - TAGGED - WalkerScobell, LeahJeffries

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Comments - 


User2: I have never seen anything so adorable❤️


LeahJeffries: I would like to clarify, I was at an audition, the director had us kiss to test our chemistry 

WalkerScobell: ☝️☝️☝️What she said, NOT dating

WalkerScobell: No matter how much I wish we were

Comment Deleted

MomonaTamada: I saw that Walker😏

MomonaTamada: your not slick

LeahJeffries: WHAT, I didn't see it, what did it say

WalkerScobell: NOTHING 

MomonaTamada: um hum😏

WalkerScobel: shut up Momo

MomonaTamada; 😝

I looked up at Floyd, then back at the phone a couple of times. I couldn't decide if I was angry, embarrassed, or slightly happy about this situation. 

Then I remembered, oh yeah, LITERALLY EVERYONE JUST SAW ME AND WALKER KISS, and my anger won over

"You are SO dead"

A/N - I don't know about you guys, but I loved this chapter❤️ Have a great day/night

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