[two] a tragedy

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A/N: This is going to be a short chapter. I hope you like it! Fingers crossed. :)



I opened my eyes, confused at what just happened. One second, my parents were wishing me a happy birthday. The next, a giant chunk of the ceiling conked me on the head and I passed out.

I was in a hospital, with what seemed like a billion machines strapped to me. Someone was next to me, crying. Was that...?

"Aunt Paige! What happened? Why are you here?" My aunt, Paige, lived in Ottawa, Canada. She must've flown here all the way from my home country.

"Your mom... My sister..." Paige wept. "She... on the coffin... Read..."

"What?" My brain worked slower than I was used to. Mom? Reading the coffin? Why would she need to? Unless Dad's dead and she's reading his will! No, he can't be dead. "No, Dad can't be dead!" I yelled, voicing my mental concern.

"It's not your dad," Paige sniffled. "It's your..."

"... Mom?"


Word count: 156

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