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—vox's pov—
"Thank you...Vox sir"
The sinner says, smirking in response I test the waters and step closer. Seeing how they don't flinch I walk to the side of my bed and grab their chin, bringing them to look at me. Staring into their dead eyes it seems like the light that was once there is now gone from being faced with death. They aren't leaving until that's fixed...
'what the fuck is wrong with me.. some poor life's sinner and I feel sorry for them?' I think
Never in my life have I felt like this for someone I just met, let alone some regular hell heathen who's not powerful...
Shaking the thoughts from my head I open my mouth
"You know... You're welcome to stay here~" I say teasingly.
Seeing them pop up a little at the thought of a nice warm place
'must be in some shake of a house'
Removing my hand I start walking around my bed, arms behind me, back straight. Rambling about how I watched them get jumped and how I ended up finding them I feel their eyes watch my travel. Stopping my steps when I hear Their stomach growl.
"Hungry huh? Well I can make us some food ~ I'll be back" I say
Making the way to leave my room I look back, finding them watching me.
"be good.."


—y/n pov—
"Be good.."
He says, leaving me with chills. I wake up in a room I have no idea about surrounded by nothing but TVs and computers. Just thinking I was dead and now with some stranger?? Conflicted with everything I start shaking...
    'Shit, it's been a while since I've had something'
My body starts itching, my stomach curls and fills with anxiety. Mind running about what's happening. Slowly I drown out everything beside me, trying to focus on the static sound from all the technology around me. Finding a small comfort in the white noise.
    ..My panic fades...
I keep trying to convince myself I'm safe but with everything kicking in at once it's hard... Falling back into the bed I stare at the ceiling with tears falling, blank-faced.

..numb crying...

'Is this my karma..'

I knew I wasn't the best but is this how I'm punished, I'm cut off by the sound of the door opening, Quickly I go to fix my face before he can see.
  "I'm back~," he says in a sadistic tone. Almost mockingly. Seeing him stare down at me as he walks closer I notice his face drops a little. I guess he caught on that I was crying, the last thing I wanted again. Putting the food down by the end of the bed, Vox climbs on next to me.
  "Hey..what's causing all of this?" he asks,
"I understand, you just woke up in a room you've never seen but please try remembering the good parts. If it wasn't for this who knows what would have happened, what if some bad guy had found you instead of me huh?"
Vox sweet talks me, One hand around me hugging me one hand forcing me to look at him. His words calm me down like some drug, making me all floaty. Slowly I come back down and back to real life.

"Now see, isn't that all better..now let's eat up y/n~"

Wait how does he know my name?


part 4 woo
I'm hopefully gonna write more since I actually wanna see more with this story LOL, part 4 was kinda little but I'm gonna try to make part 5 and 6 more detailed/ longer so its not just a filler page. If you have any suggestions please comment them below. Im open to any ideas.
I already have an idea on how i want the story to go but id love love love to hear what you all want !!

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