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    —y/n pov—

Ever since meeting Valentino, I've been thinking about what he said. If Vox talks about me why am I hidden? Was he just joking around when he said that? I can't just ask him about it.. Who knows how he'd react knowing I snuck out? All of these thoughts are making me wonder, why stay here if I'm always worried? Sure I had anxiety before hand but now I'm constantly paranoid. Always wondering what would happen to me if he started freaking out.
Shuffling around in bed I bring the blankets up, cuddling me for comfort. The thought of him hurting me is terrifying. These thoughts keep flashing in my head, this man is an overlord who has my soul..what did I get myself into?? Blinded with the fact he saved me I let him fill my head and manipulate me... But if that's the case could I even leave? Am i just some toy for him to play with, thats what it really feels like. But then why do i want to stay so badly? My life has changed so much and now im just stuck here. Scared for my life but also thankful for the change...isn't it crazy? Who knew this is what hell would be like. Cut off i hear the door opening. Quickly i look at the alarm for the time. 2:30... great he's off work now.

    "Holy luficer arent i glad to see you, today fucking sucked."
He says, walking closer to the bed before plopping down beside me. I've never seen him this worn out before, it's actually pretty sad.
    "Everyone at the office is so STUPID! Why am I the only one who actually thinks before doing shit?! No one knows how to fucking run shit around here"

'Listening to him rant is actually pretty nice..'

The sound of his voice is pretty soothing, even if he's angry. His booming voice makes me feel like he has everything under control. He makes me feel..small...Like I want to stay here with him, be around him like a puppy..

"Hey are you even listening?"

Snapped out of my day dream I see Vox standing right in front of me. He looks me up and down before saying

"Were you listening to me or were you just tuning me out"

Jabbing his fingers to my forehead waiting for a response.
   "I-i was listening-"
"What was the last thing I said then"

                       'oh you gotta be kidding me'

"You were talking about how your employees were sidetracked-"
He quickly cut me off
"That was said 5 minutes ago, what in that head of yours is better than me speaking? Am I really not that important to you?"

He flashes me a sadden expression. Sitting on the bed next to me he puts his hand on my thigh.

"I thought you cared for me"

"Vox I do care I promise"

Jumping up I wrap myself around him hugging him.

"I've just been..I don't... my mine has been fuzzy the last couple of days i don't know.."

Ranting to him I don't even notice the wicked smile he has on his face. His mind control working, taking over my head. What I didn't know is that he uses his powers to manipulate me. Filling my head with him and how he's helped me through so much. How he's changed my life for the better. How he's the best thing that's happened to me. All those subliminal messages swirling around my brain turning it into mush.

"I'm sorry please I really didn't mean to Vox I'm sorry"

He pulls me closer to him. Setting me up properly in his lap. Grabbing my chin he forces me to look him in the eyes. The red blinding me.

                                  "It's okay darling"

Words: 640

Sorry for not uploading and only uploading one part, I have not been in the mood to write. I posted a little thing on tiktok but basically I've been depressed and just wanna rot in bed and watch invader zim all day long. But I hope yall like this part 🙏🙏

soul tied~ (Vox x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum