Chapter 2 - Keefe/Sophie

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Keefe rolled his eyes boredly as he propped his feet up onto his mother's desk. He tousled his already messy mop of blonde hair, then rested his hands behind his head. Just as he was about to doze off, he heard a sharp voice call out from the doorframe. His mother. 

"Agent Lodestar." 

He slowly spun his chair around, relishing as the chair squeaked the entire 8 seconds. Ok, maybe he didn't fully suppress his grin. 

"Mommy Dearest, what a surprise!"

She rubbed her temples. "No."



His ice-blue eyes narrowed. "I'm sorry, what the fuck am I supposed to refer to you as if you're not my mother? My Dad?"  

"Hell, Lodestar." She slammed her fist against the wooden table, making Keefe flinch. "Instead of being an obnoxious brat, like you have been for the last 18 years of my life, will you listen for once? I know you're fully capable of doing so."

Keefe crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows, attempting to look indifferent as his eyes darkened. 

"We're sending you on a mission, destination confidential. Your goal is to steal a specific scroll from the area, and hopefully gather intel on diplomats which could prove useful to us in the future. Our sources indicate that some Black Swan members will also be present there, but you must secure the scroll by any means necessary."

Keefe rolled his eyes, although inside he perked up a little. He loved missions. The fighting, the chances to flex to other agents, escaping shit parents for a while- it was magical, at least for a few nights

"You will be accompanied by Agent Shade and Agent Mist, and monitored by Sir Alvar Vacker."

Keefe slumped again at the thought of Bangs Boy ruining the mission with his angst, but felt thankful that it was Alvar, not some douche like Fintan or Brant, accompanying him. The last time he was forced to work with the infamous arsonists, he was forced to set fire to a Black Swan base, which he wouldn't have had too much of a problem with if so many Neverseen agents weren't caught in the Everblaze as well. They lacked a moral compass entirely, and wouldn't hesitate to burn everyone on the planet alive for their cause- in fact, the only reason they were loyal to the Neverseen was that they shared the same beliefs. Keefe shuddered, but masked his fear with a coolly toned question. 

"So, when do we start off, Mom?"

She grimaced at his use of the word "Mom", then let out a sigh. "Four hours. The servants will be packing your things entirely and you may not remove or add anything of your choice."

Gisela spun on her heel and strutted out of the room. He smirked, and slipped a sketchbook and some paints into his personal bag. It really was hilarious how his parents thought they could control him. Goodbye, dusty Neverseen base, I'm going on a mission.


Biana nodded slowly. "Soooooo, what you're saying is, we're going on a surprise girls vacation... in a foreign kingdom..."

Marella butted in. "Where we can flirt with hot boys," She added in an excited squeak.

"All so we can watch over a dusty scroll from a few thousand years ago?"

"That sounds like my type of mission!!!" Marella squealed.

Sophie rolled her eyes. Her friends were so goofy that you could forget that they were professionally trained spy agents who could knock a grown man out with a flick of their wrists. And knock them off their feet. They were certainly stunning. Biana's wavy, soft brunette hair, heart-shaped lips and fashion sense made her a showstopper by herself, but what Sophie really found beautiful were the thin, white scars Biana displayed all over her body. She was brutally injured by one of the former Neverseen leaders, Vespera, years back. Before Gisela betrayed her and took over the unstable organization. Biana was an inspiration, a fierce symbol of strength and poise. And Marella's pixie-like figure with her short blonde hair didn't seem too suspecting, but her savage personality, vicious fighting skills and her fiery, bold outfit choices made her a force to be reckoned with. They were beautiful inside and out, and Sophie absolutely adored her best friends. They were always there for her, even when she was at her most vulnerable and that's what she loved about them.

Mr. Forkle interrupted her train of thought.

"Miss Vacker, this mission is much more dire than that. This is our chance to find out who Agent Lodestar is, and to protect a hidden power that lies in a yes, crusty thousand year old scroll. It is imperative that you three succeed. The first night you arrive, Agent Moonlark must go alone to check the whereabouts of the scroll, as she is the most experienced." Sophie smirked at her friends and they rolled their eyes. The wrinkled man then turned his focus to Marella. "And Miss Redek, the goal here isn't to 'flirt with hot boys'. The goal is to form valuable connections with diplomats so that we can acquire necessary intel. You will be posing as the Princesses of Northern Iccladia."

Marella smirked. "Same diff- also what the hell's an Iccladia? Sounds like something I'd type if I banged my head against a keyboard."

Mr. Forkle's frown deepened, and Sophie wondered how his wrinkles could become any more pronounced.

"A kingdom kind enough to offer us aid on our mission. Ladies, your bags are packed. Remember, your goal is to protect the scroll."

For the first time in the conversation, Sophie spoke up. "Yes, we know. But we won't let that stop us from having fun, right girls?"

"RIGHT!!!" The three squealed in unison.

Forkle smiled slightly but it faded quickly. "Your flight leaves in 6 hours, and your bags have been packed. The only thing left to sort out is personal belongings. Good luck, Agents Moonlark, Vanish and Blaze."

The girls rushed out of the room, an electric buzz of excitement and slight nerves for Sophie filling the air.

A/N: This chapter was so, so bad but trust, it gets better 😭

Forbidden Love - Spy AU - SokeefeWhere stories live. Discover now