Chapter 8: Keefe

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A/N: This is a bit of a filler chapter but the next chapter is important so this is like the build-up, and some funny stuff from Keefe's perspective because I know yall love that, so here yaur go:

"No fucking way would I ever dye my hair silver, Tammy Boy," Keefe argued.

"It was a hypothetical question, Funkyhair, chill out bro-" Tam defended.

"I don't care if it's a hypothetical question, no one threatens The Hair and if you even try, you're gonna wake up with a bald head with rhinestones glued-".

"Boys, if you both don't quiet down right now," Linh interrupted in her breezy, sweet voice. "You're not going to like what comes next."

She gave them both an innocent smile as Keefe immediately shut his mouth.

Tam rolled his eyes. "So, Blondie can listen to her but can't shut up any other time..." He muttered bitterly.

The ends of Linh's long raven hair whipped Tam in the face as she snapped her head back to look him in the eye.

"Another word and the murcat that tried to bite your ankle earlier is going to end up in your bed in the next four hours," She sweetly said, her eyes glinting with unspoken threats.

Tam sputtered for a few seconds before giving up and scratching the back of his head timidly.

Alvar chuckled from behind the two 18-year-olds looking anywhere but Linh, but quickly stopped after seeing Linh's death glare.

The guards led the four through the twists and turns of the castle of Everglen until they finally arrived at the throne room.

"...jacuzzi! Love youuuu, thanks again!" A muffled feminine voice with an accent called from a corridor as the sound faded out.

A/N: Guysss, I forgot to mention before but Alvar isn't related to Biana and Fitz in this au because first, that's too hard to coordinate and I'd need to make a whole side plot to fit it in and second, the family deserves better frfr

Alvar stepped forward and cleared his throat. The two teal-eyed men on the throne platform who were looking in the direction of the voice turned to face them. Prince Fitz gazed at Keefe and Tam curiously as King Alden gave the group a warm smile.

Alvar dropped into a deep bow, plastering a serious expression on his face.

"Your majesties, we are honored to be in your presence today in the great Kingdom of Eternalia. My companions hail from different kingdoms but we have joined together as a peace-keeping force against the Neverseen. Keefe and I, Sir Alvar, are from the Kingdom of Candleshade, however we aren't biologically related. Tam and Linh were born in the Kingdom of Choralmere. It is our pleasure to attend the Masquerade Ball tomorrow and we are extremely excited to see what the night will have in store for us." He said eloquently, as if he'd rehearsed this multiple times.

"Thank you, Sir Alvar. The Vackers are ecstatic to welcome you into Everglen for our gala," He winked mischievously.

"And the festivities that follow, of course."

Alvar's true personality peeked out for a second with a hint of a smirk on his face.

"Yes, yes of course."

King Alden nodded.

"Guards, kindly escort our guests to their rooms-"

Prince Fitz interrupted him politely.

"Dad, I think I can take Keefe, Tam and Linh to their rooms if that's alright."

His father nodded as a guard chatted with Alvar down a distant corridor and Fitz approached the three teens. Tam rolled his eyes and Keefe watched the prince with a calculated and wary look as he greeted Linh.

Fitz turned to Keefe tentatively as Tam subtly inched towards his sister.

The brunette looked him dead in the eyes.

"Do you play Super Mario Bros?"

Taken aback, Keefe's eyes widened and he gave Fitz an amused smirk.

"Um, duh?"

Fitz looked at him with a giddy look as they lapsed into easy conversation about the game's lore and shared light anecdotes.

As Fitz and Keefe made conversation, the four finally stopped in front of two beautifully arched double doors with gold accents.

"My sister and her friends are staying in a room nearby, they're all around our age and they seemed pretty nice. We could probably hang out together later since your rooms are nearby," Fitz began, his cheeks slightly flushing. 

Keefe couldn't help but ask. "Damn, are they hot?" Linh smacked his arm.

"Hate to agree with Blondie but it's a valid question," Tam shrugged. Linh glared at him before sighing exasperatedly.

The brunette scratched the back of his head as his face turned a darker shade of pink. 

Keefe checked his watch. "Yo, we should probably head to our room now, long flight am I right?"

Fitz nodded and smiled at them.

"Makes sense," He said nonchalantly, turning around to leave but stopping beforehand.

"Oh, and bye to you too Miss Linh," He said awkwardly before skittering away.

Keefe, Tam and Linh walked into their large suite, gazing around in amazement. The Neverseen base had never been this lavish.

Keefe immediately flopped onto the large framed bed.

"I call the bed! Linh, you can sleep on the couch right?"

Tam scowled. "And where would I sleep then, Keefe?"

Keefe shrugged. "Where you usually sleep."

Tam's scowl grew deeper.

"And where would that be?"

"In the vents."

Tam threw a decorative lamp at him as Linh watched the scene unfold, gravitating between amused and annoyed.

Linh promptly chose annoyed and splashed a bottle of water in their faces. The two paused and stared at her in shock.

"FYI, boys, I don't sleep on the couch," She said coolly, holding back laughter.

Tam gave her a surly glare as he huddled up on the couch. Keefe rolled his eyes as he made a den on the chaise lounge in the corner. He stared at his mess of blankets and pillows.

"Eh, it's fine," Keefe thought. "Won't be staying for long anyways."

As he looked out the window at the palace of Lumenaria outside, he knew that at midnight tonight, he was going to get that scroll.

A/N: Awww Ritz being excited to make friends his age is adorableeee 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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