Chapter 5: Sophie

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A/N: Sorry for changing it up a little, I just really wanted to accentuate the enemies-to-lovers trope. It felt less cringe, and more interesting.

"SOPHIE," A distant voice said.

Sophie mentally groaned. Why was everyone out to get her? Couldn't she relax for once?

"SOPHIE ELIZABETH FOSTER!" A familiar, yet obnoxiously melodic voice demanded. "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON HERE."

Oh God, she wasn't ready to hear that voice for a while. The silence was so... so peaceful.


The other voice became hushed. "Really, Mare? Waterboarding? Couldn't you have been a little less-"

"Well, what do you expect me to say? Do you see what she's doing right now???" She responded in an aggressive whisper.

Sophie groaned and shifted, her face squished against what she thought was a wall.

"Ugh..." She mumbled. "What the hell is your problem? Can't you leave a sleep-deprived girl alone for once? God damn..."

"She really doesn't know, does she?" Marella said, her voice laced with confusion.

Biana seemed to be vibrating with excitement. "OH, SOPHIEEEEE!" She chirped. "OPEN THY EYES, MILADY!"

Sophie let out another groan as her eyes fluttered open. Instead of the faces of her friends, she was in the nook of someone's neck. Someone with short, messy blonde hair. Not Marella. Not Biana. Not even a girl.

Sophie let out a startled squeak and jumped back, keeping her eyes on her friends as Keefe, who she was unconsciously cuddling with, came to. How did she manage to get into two extremely embarrassing and awkward situations with this boy without knowing him for more than a few hours???

"Uh... huh?" He muttered, his eyes still closed as he shifted. "Yo, Bangs Boy, would it kill you to let a sleep-deprived boy get some rest for once? Go flirt with that teal-eyed wonder you were staring at..."

Biana turned bright pink and Marella squealed. Then looked back at Sophie and giggled, looking at each other with a knowing expression. Sophie had the sudden urge to tackle them, but found the strength to resist.

Biana cleared her throat. "Excuse me?"

Kangaroo's (was that his name?) eyes instantly flew open as he frantically scanned the area with his eyes, presumably searching for this "Bangs Boy".

His gaze landed on the boy standing to the side in the aisle, who she hadn't noticed before. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Biana blush and Marella smirk. He had quietly watched the scene unfold, with an amused glint in his pale silvery-blue eyes and his hands on his hips. The boy, who seemed to be Kendall's (that should be his name right) age, cleared his throat and moved one of his silver-tipped bangs out of his eyes.

"Welllllllll, Lord Hunkyhair," He drawled, his gaze focused on Keratin. "Looks like someone had an interesting flight."

Kiln rolled his eyes as Sophie gazed around at the passengers filing out of the plane. Had she really slept the whole flight? And how long were she and Kevin (maybe that's not the right name either) in that position?  She blushed in embarrassment.

"Hate to be the bearer of bad news and interrupt this oh-so-entertaining cuddle time which I definitely didn't get pictures of, but the plane landed." Marella chimed in before the blonde boy could respond with a sarcastic comment.

"Yep," The boy standing in the aisle said threateningly. "Linh's waiting for us with our luggage, so unless you want your precious cargo in your personal bag to be thrown into the nearest pond, you're gonna get your ass up right now."

Keen paled and immediately shot up from his seat, following the triumphant boy with bangs through the aisle. But not before turning around to blow Sophie a dramatic air kiss.

"Until we meet again, Sasha!" He called out cheekily, before slipping out of sight.

Marella and Biana gave the blonde girl a questioning look. Sasha?

Sophie groaned and facepalmed in embarrassment, debating whether to correct him or not. She decided against it. If she ever met this boy again, she'd crawl into a hole and die right there on the spot. It was amazing how she hadn't clobbered the idiot immediately. Did he think that just because he was hot, he could go around pulling shit like that? Sophie shook out those thoughts. She'd never see him again, it wasn't an issue anymore. Besides, she had more important things to worry about: She had to figure out how to break into the high-security vault the scroll was in and with enough luck, find Lodestar. And this time, she wouldn't fail. 

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