in the beginning........

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Minutes before Cassandra story.

Ric place.

Ric was preparing to leave for the Salvatore manor when his phone began to buzz with a series of calls and texts from Jenna, urgently informing him of Cassandra's return and the pressing need to share some crucial information.

As he gathered his belongings, Ric couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't alone. Whispers echoed around him, seemingly coming from nowhere. "Hello?" he called out into the void.

To his surprise, the void responded. "You're not my usual type, but I suppose you'll do," a mysterious entity purred, its voice laced with mischief. Suddenly, Ric felt an invisible force grip his head, and a surge of power flooded his mind, turning his eyes a vibrant shade of green.

The entity whispered an incantation, ensuring that Cassandra wouldn't be able to sense the power that now coursed through Ric's veins.

Ric staggered, his vision momentarily blurred as he attempted to regain his bearings. "What...what have you done to me?" he stammered, the realization of what had just transpired slowly sinking in.

The entity's voice echoed in Ric's mind once more, its tone dripping with dark amusement. "Oh, don't worry, you're pretty little head, Ric. Just be a good little puppet, and you won't remember any of this anyway."

With a snap of its fingers, the entity wiped Ric's memory of the encounter, leaving him disoriented and confused. Blinking, Ric looked around his apartment, unsure of why he hadn't left yet. The entire experience felt like a hazy dream, one he couldn't quite grasp or recall.

Shaking off the lingering sense of unease, Ric grabbed his keys and hurried out the door, determined to get to the Salvatore manor as quickly as possible. Little did he know, he was now an unwitting pawn in the entity's sinister game—one that would soon ensnare Cassandra and the others.

Salvatore manor.

Just as Cassandra was about to begin her story, the door flew open, revealing Ric, who rushed over to Jenna and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Where have you been?" Jenna inquired, her voice laced with a mixture of concern and relief.

"I'm sorry," Ric apologized hastily. "I lost track of time." His demeanor was off, but Cassandra couldn't quite put her finger on what was amiss. She attributed it to stress, brushing off the nagging feeling in the back of her mind.

Little did she know that the decision would come back to haunt her in ways she could never have anticipated.

Chaos, seemingly aware of the strange aura surrounding Ric, leaned forward in his chair, his eyes locked on Cassandra. "Don't let this little interruption deter you, my dear," he purred. "We're all eager to hear the tale you have to tell."

The room fell silent once again, all eyes focused on Cassandra as she prepared to delve into the depths of her story, unaware of the looming threat that lingered within their midst.

I began my tale. " In the primordial dawn, there existed a singular infinitude, an undivided essence that wove through the fabric of all universes. This cosmic architect held dominion over existence itself, orchestrating the symphony of creation.

However, a pivotal event transpired, forever altering the cosmic landscape. The once-unified force splintered into seven unique facets, each bearing its own distinct identity and purpose:

Chaos: The tempest, wild and untamed. It danced with unpredictability, birthing stars and quasars, tearing through dimensions 

like a celestial wildfire.

Order: The weaver of cosmic tapestries. It wove threads of causality, stitching together fate and destiny, imposing structure upon chaos.

Creation: The gentle sculptor, hands dusted with stardust. It shaped galaxies, breathed life into planets, and whispered secrets to nascent civilizations .

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