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Warning this chapter deals with depression, acts of violence, and thought of suicide if any of these things I just mentioned is a trigger, please, I beg of you to skip this chapter . If not, read at your own discretion.  Reader discretion is advised.

  Reader discretion is advised

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My dream wove a tapestry of entangled emotions, where me and Entropy danced as one. Our union transcended time, yet it bore the weight of countless lifetimes. Entropy’s voice echoed through her subconscious: “This cycle, perhaps the last, mirrors the first a cosmic déjà vu.” i was  disoriented, questioned entropy “What do you mean?” But before i could grasp the answer, Entropy’s urgent cry pierced her slumber: “Wake up!”

i jolted awake, drenched in sweat.

 i jolted awake, drenched in sweat

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In the dim light, i faced my reflection
in the mirror. The eyes that met mine held a familiar weariness, a shadow she had hoped wouldn’t follow her into this existence. Depression, an unwelcome companion, whispered its presence. I swore,  in the mirror.

I was lying curled up in bed, my depression weighing heavily upon me. But i wasn’t alone in this emotional tempest. Through my unique connection, my twin sister, brother, and friends felt the waves of my despair crash over them. They hurried to my side, finding her huddled in a tight ball. Caroline, wide-eyed, addressed the group. “Did all of you feel that?” she asked, her voice trembling. The shared empathy was overwhelming.

Bear, who had the ability to sense Cassandra’s emotions, nodded solemnly. “Yes,” he replied. “But usually, it doesn’t feel like plummeting into an abyss.”

In that moment, they all understood the weight of Cassandra’s pain—the way it pulled them together, binding them in a shared struggle against the darkness.

Elena, sensing her twin’s pain but still uncertain about the cause, urgently asked, “What’s happening?” She observed the anguish etched on Cassandra’s face, the dimming of her usual joy.

Chaos suddenly appeared, well-versed in these emotional currents, stepped forward to explain.

“It’s a surge of emotions,” Chaos said, their voice steady. “the child feelings are overwhelming her, and we’re all caught in the undertow.”

Panic rippled through the group. How could they ease Cassandra’s suffering? But then Bonnie, who had been learning from Cassandra’s ancient witch book, remembered a spell a lifeline for witches when their emotions threatened to drown them.

They hurriedly prepared a tub of water, infused it with healing herbs, and gently lowered Cassandra into its soothing depths. The herbs whispered ancient secrets, their magic enveloping her like a protective cocoon. As the water embraced her, Cassandra  screamed her magic and emotions inplode in the bathroom.

As Cassandra sank into the tub, her scream echoed through the room. The very earth seemed to tremble, resonating with her turmoil. But Bonnie, ever resourceful, had wisely cast protective spells on the bathroom. The walls held firm, shielding them from harm. Yet, outside the bathroom, chaos reigned objects toppled, their fragile equilibrium shattered by the force of Cassandra’s emotions.

In that moment, the house quivered,   as Cassandra’s connection to the earth intensified, they clung to each other, hoping that their combined strength would weather this tempest.

The fallen objects lay scattered . within the bathroom’s enchanted confines, Cassandra’s trembling subsided.

Elena hopes to have waved as she grappled with the sudden upheaval. Chaos, one of Cassandra’s fathers, became her beacon of understanding. Why were her sister powers spiraling out of control now when she had always maintained mastery over them?

Chaos met her gaze, his eyes ancient and knowing. “Yes,” he replied, his voice a low rumble. “the child equilibrium was forged in the crucible of semi-emotionlessness. But now, she has reclaimed her feelings the raw, unfiltered essence of her being. It’s akin to returning to the roots, to the primal core.”

Elena heart clenched. “What do we do?” she implored. “How do we help?

Chaos gestured toward Cassandra, still submerged in the herb-infused waters. “She must learn anew,” he said. “Control, like a delicate dance, must be relearned. Her volatile emotions surge within her, threatening to unravel her magic. You, her knights, and her twin, your roles are pivotal. You’ll anchor her, stabilize her as she navigates this tempest.”

Elena nodded her head, not fully understanding her role in all of this, but if it means she gets to help her sister, she didn't care what needs to be done.determination ignited within her. She was no longer a bystander; she was part of her sister lifeline. The abyss loomed, but they would stand together.

My world is spinning  out of control. My depression, once thought forgotten, returned with a vengeance, threatening to consume me entirely. My powers, usually a source of strength, spiraled out of control, only adding to the chaos within. I felt myself sinking deeper into a pit of despair, the abyss welcoming me with open arms. But before i would succumb to its embrace, a familiar arms pulled me from the water   cradling me. As if I  had summoned him, Enzo's calm, steady demeanor anchored me, providing a lifeline in the storm. He started whispering gently world to me. " it Ok little fire. I am here."  He whispered in my ear. I hold onto him as my tears that threatened to drown me soaked his shirts.

I didn't know how I wind up in my bed.  But the nightmare begins again as I begin to stare in my dreams. I felt arms around me. I opened my eyes to see the eyes that I saw the  first  time when I realized which I had been reborn into. " Libby, I whispered, almost quietly. Elena gently stroked my hair. " Is this why I couldn't feel our twin bond until you're awakening? She inquired of me.

My tears trailed down my cheeks. " I didn't want you to feel all the ugliest inside of me. I said to my tears.

She kissed my forehead and said this to me. " My tears traced a salty path down my cheeks. “I didn’t want you to witness all the darkness within me,” I whispered to her

She leaned in, her lips brushing my forehead. “We love you,” she murmured, her voice soft and unwavering. “I’ll keep saying it until it sinks in. Don’t hide from us because our imaginations tend to run wild.” Her arms enveloped me, and I nestled into her embrace as i drifted into slumber in her sister’s arms.

Yeah, as you guys can tell, this is a filler episode. Don't worry. I just wanted to get this chapter out of the way.

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