Hello my name is anger Nice to meet you.

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Caroline pov.

Caroline stirred in her sleep, a gentle touch rousing her from the depths of her slumber. As her eyes fluttered open, she found herself face to face with Cassandra, whose fingers trailed through her hair with a tenderness that soothed her soul. Despite the turmoil she'd endured, Caroline found solace in the reassuring presence of her friend, who had been there for her when she needed it most.

As the emotions ebbed and flowed within her, Caroline couldn't help but voice the question that had been gnawing at her since her ordeal began: "Is he dead?" she asked, referring to her father who had inflicted such cruelty upon her. In that moment, Caroline found herself conflicted, unsure why she still cared about the fate of the man who had caused her so much suffering. Yet, in her vulnerability, she clung to the hope that Cassandra would understand and offer the solace she so desperately needed.

Cassandra placed a comforting hand on Caroline's shoulder and spoke with a gentle voice. "No, he is not dead. But I made sure he suffered for what he did to you. He may still be alive, but he will never forget the consequences of his actions." With those words, Cassandra provided a sense of closure and justice for Caroline, offering solace in the knowledge that her father had been punished for his cruelty.

The realization that Cassandra had shown mercy to the man who had caused her so much pain brought forth a tumultuous wave of emotions. Relief, gratitude, and even a glimmer of sadness washed over Caroline as she embraced Cassandra, feeling the warmth of her friend's presence. The tears she had been holding back streamed down her face as she tried to reconcile the conflicting feelings that swirled within her.

Cassandra continued to hold Caroline tightly, her voice soothing as she spoke. "It's okay to still care about him, Caroline. Love doesn't always make sense, and it doesn't always follow the rules we set for it. What matters is that you're safe now, and he can't hurt you anymore."

Caroline sniffled, pulling back to wipe the tears from her eyes. "I just...I just don't understand why he did it. Why did he hate me so much."

Cassandra's heart ached for her friend, and she reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from Caroline's face. "Sometimes, people are just broken, Caroline. They carry pain and darkness inside them that they can't escape, and it makes them lash out at the ones they should love the most. It's not your fault, and it never was."

Caroline took a deep, shuddering breath, her eyes locked on Cassandra's. "Thank you, Cassie. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Cassandra smiled, her love for her friend shining through. "You'll never have to find out, Caroline. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

Cassandra pov.

Despite my desire to retreat from the world after the events of the previous night, my responsibilities as the eldest child compelled me to attend the potluck.My choice of broccoli salad and deviled eggs for the potluck was a deliberate not to be cliche. Yet, as i prepared the food under the watchful gaze of my aunt and Ric, I felt a mix of gratitude and frustration, recognizing their concern for my well-being while chafing under their supervision. Even if it was slightly annoying.

 Even if it was slightly annoying

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