The Lost Lion: Daenerys Targaryen

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"Come here boy!" Y/N jumped as she was knocked back into focus. Her father yelling for her as he stomps into his tent. Y/N quickly followed as she looked around the battle field. She walked into the tent and her brother standing all high and mighty with that disgusting smirk that he always seems to have.

"You did good boy." Tywin says. "I am not a boy." Y/N speaks as she looks her father in the eyes. Her hazel eyes holding her fathers as he stares her down. "You have your mother's stubbornness little sister." Jaime chuckles. "Do not speak of my mother or I will strike you where you stand." Y/N whips around as she looks Jaime in the eyes just as she did her father.

"Who? Your mother was a whore. You should be glad I claimed you boy." Tywin spits. "I won this war for our family. Do not speak to me as if I am not a Lannister. Robb Stark is dead because of the deal I struck with Walder Frey and Roose Bolton. I took back the beach of King's Landing when Stannis attacked and where my brother led the attack because of your so called king fled and hid behind his mommy. I am not a boy! I am your daughter and I demand respect!" Y/N slams her fist down on the table out of anger. Her breathing heavy as all she could see was red.

Jaime smirks before he starts clapping his hands. "Beautiful theatrics sister but was it not our fathers men you took to King's Landing?" Y/N felt her body growing hot at Jaime's words and her fists clenching at her sides. "Enough! I am tired of bickering with you. You did help a lot in this war and ending it with the wolves but there is still a war that the last living Targaryen is bringing our way." Tywin speaks.

"I'm done fighting your wars." Y/N speaks as she strips herself of the Lannister armor as she looked her father in the eyes. She could see the shock in them but he quickly hid it as he stood up. "Sister..." Jaime speaks out of shock. The armor hit the ground and Y/N let out a sigh as she felt a weight be lifted off her shoulders. "I rescued Jaime and killed all the men that cut his hand off, and brought him back to you. I freed Tyrion from the Starks, and I won your wars while you sat here and groveled about Tyrion and I not being good enough Lannisters. Fuck your war and fuck your king. That bastard is not my king." Y/N spits at her father's feet before walking out of the tent angrily.

"Sister, where do you plan to go?" Jaime stops his sister. "To the true born queen of the seven kingdoms. Your son will be the downfall of all kingdoms. Our sister will help in destroying it and you are just gonna be dragged along because you can't seem to keep out of her cunt." Y/N says as she looks into his eyes. Jaime looked at her with sadness as he saw that she spoke of nothing but truths, and she truly believed them. "You're still a Lannister. You're still my sister no matter who your mother is." Jaime holds Y/N's head in her hands as he forced her to look into his eyes.

"Aye. That may be true but in the end I will be the one that keeps this bloodline alive. That man has hated me since I was born, but no matter what, a Lannister is still a Lannister. We repay our debts and I will make sure they're all paid when I return with the Mother of Dragons." Y/N's eyes flickering from their normal hazel to violet. Jaime took a step back as he looked at her warily.

"When you return, I will tell you all about your mother, and who she really was. Don't do anything stupid while you're searching for Daenerys. Write me whenever and keep me updated on your life. You're a Lannister but most importantly my sister. That hold more power than any name could ever hold." Jaime pressed his forehead against Y/N's before he stood back as she mounted her horse. Y/N looks at Jaime one last time before she rode out of the Lannister camp that was set up close to the Harrenhall shores where a boat was loading up on supplies to set sail for Essos.

Time Skip

Y/N looks around as the boat docks in Qarth, Southeastern part of Essos. She climbs off the boat and looks around at the markets that were all around her. Her eyes shining as a smile pulls onto her face at the lively people. She walks past a couple of markets and nods her head at the men and woman working.

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