The Dungeon

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"Arthur!" The crisp, autumn air greeted me as I stepped out of the carriage, and there he was—Curtis, standing with an infectious grin that stretched from ear to ear, his hand waving with boundless enthusiasm.

"How was your trip back home? Did you get to catch up with your family?" Claire's warm hand landed on my back, a comforting gesture that accompanied her words, her concern for my well-being evident in her eyes.

"Good to see you made it." Professor Glory's voice carried a mix of authority and warmth as she acknowledged my presence. My eyes scanned the familiar faces, searching for Lucas, but an unexpected absence left a void in the gathering.

"Lucas couldn't come as Lance Bairon took him out of school for a while." Professor Glory noticed my unspoken inquiry, her eyes holding a trace of sympathy for the missing friend.

"I see." My response held a tinge of disappointment, a fleeting shadow in my voice.

The assembly was complete, with Tess joining us. A small wave passed between us, but duty called her to the student council, leaving me to gravitate towards the disciplinary committee.

We walked towards the gate, the anticipation in the air palpable. Professor Glory faced a barrage of questions, handling them with the grace befitting her position. The guard at the gate adjusted the settings, and with a flicker, the atmosphere changed.

"Welcome! I'm guessing this is the first time most of you have seen the Beast Glades?" Professor Glory's upbeat tone resonated, her hands on her hips, framing the majestic landscape that unfolded before us. The Beast Glades stretched like a living canvas, a tapestry of vibrant colours and untamed beauty. My stomach churned, not just from the magical passage, but from the awe that gripped me as we stepped into this fantastical realm.

"We're currently on the outskirts of the Grand Mountains. If we go for a few hours this way, we'll arrive at the Dragonspine Inn, a popular gathering spot. That was where I used to go to talk about mana beasts and dungeons when I was a young adventurer. Don't worry, we'll be going to a rather low-level dungeon. I'll be with you at all times as well, but I'll only assist you if it's absolutely essential, so don't turn to me for solutions." Professor Glory's voice carried the weight of experience, her words a mixture of guidance and challenge. With a flourish, she conjured a small pile of black cloth from her dimension ring.

"These are the shawls that you'll need inside the dungeon." Widow's Crypt, the name echoed in the air, bringing an air of mystery. "There are no traps or mazes in this dungeon, so don't be concerned about getting lost. It is, however, extremely cold in there, necessitating the use of these shawls. The majority of the mana beasts you'll encounter are unpleasant critters known as snarlers. The queen snarler and the minion snarler are the two types of snarlers to watch out for in this dungeon." Professor Glory's words painted a vivid picture of the challenges awaiting us. "The minion snarlers are who you'll be up against. Their queen burrows to the dungeon's bottom floor, so you won't notice, but you know the difference. When we get inside, you'll see what the minions look like, but for now, we'll divide you into three groups of five." A small piece of paper emerged from within her shawl as she finished her explanation.

"I've already decided how the teams will be divided, so take a step forward when I say so." The professor's authoritative tone set the stage for the team assignments. Curtis, Claire, Dorothy, Owen, and Marge—names called out with purpose, forming the first group. They moved aside to collect their shawls, anticipation evident in their expressions. Professor Glory proceeded to call the next five students.

"That leaves Arthur, Clive, Tessia, and Roland. You are a member short, but I'm sure you can handle it, right Arthur?" A playful wink accompanied the professor's comment, pointing towards the remaining shawls.

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