Dinner party

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"Hope everyone is having a good laugh, well I do, laughing at my own novel. Don't forget to vote, please❤️"

The car ride to the restaurant felt like an eternity as my mother gushed about her latest interior design ideas. I cringe at the thought of the living room looking like a mismatched disaster, much like the awful green dress I was forced to wear for the occasion.

the driver pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, I let out a sigh of relief. My mother had been in a decorating frenzy all day, and poor Mr. Anderson was her captive audience. I don't know how much more talk of throw pillows and colour schemes I could take before passing out.

we stepped out of the car, I stifled a laugh at the sight of Mr Anderson's bewildered expression. It was like he had stumbled into a decorating war zone and was desperately trying to find an escape route.

I patted him on the back sympathetically and whispered, "Hang in there, buddy. We'll make it through this together." he smiled and we headed into the restaurant.

Following Mr. Anderson and my mom to the VIP section, I couldn't help but notice the way he gracefully placed his hands around her. It made me rethink that pat on his shoulder earlier. Maybe he was just as excited about her plans to redecorate his entire house. Who knows, maybe he's secretly a fan of shabby chic decor.


"Mr. Anderson, nice seeing you again, and this must be the new Mrs. Anderson," one of the billionaires said in a snooty tone, greeting my mother with a kiss on the hand. Meanwhile, I was trying my best not to trip over my own feet or accidentally knock over a passing waiter, or pass out from all the cologne hanging in the air.

I stood there, contemplating whether I should join my mother and Mr. Anderson at the table or relegate myself to the kiddie's table. And then a voice whispered in my ear, sending an electric shiver over my body. It was a deep, sexy voice that I recognized instantly - the same voice that had left me flustered just two hours ago.

Turning around, I came face to face with him. My cheeks flushed as red as a ripe tomato, and my body broke out in a nervous sweat. He stood there, looking impossibly handsome and intimidating at the same time.

"You!" I stammered, unable to contain my surprise.

He smirked, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Yes, me," he replied nonchalantly.

I couldn't believe my luck - or lack thereof. Of all the places to run into him again, it had to be at the dinner party with this hideous dress.

As I tried to gather my thoughts and form a coherent sentence, he gestured towards the empty seat next to him.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I could handle sitting next to him for an entire dinner.


"Oh, I see you've met Leah?" Mr Anderson said.

"Luke, nice meeting you," he said, his voice dripping with wit and a hint of playfulness that made my heart flutter. I mean, come on, could this guy be any more charming? With his rugged good looks and that twinkle in his eye, it was impossible not to be drawn to him.

Wait, What? This is my step-brother? I couldn't believe it. The realization hit me like a giant water balloon.

Double shit! This couldn't be happening. This guy, the one who paid for my chips and warm water at the cafeteria, was my step-brother? The same guy I accidentally splashed with a tidal wave of tomato sauce and mustard?

Triple shit!

No, no this can't be happening! My pulse quickened and my mouth turned dry, the entire room started spinning as My eyes fell on the gorgeous handsome boy in front of me.

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