The Party Fiasco

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I shook my head in disbelief watching Luke, a complete idiot if you ask me. Seriously.  My eyes turned to talk to Lucy, and she was in awe as she stared at Luke yet again.

"Lucy!" I snapped my fingers in front of her eyes, trying to break her Luke-induced trance. "Stop doing that, it's creepy."

But before I could protest any further, one of the girls passed by us, pushing us out of the way as if we were invisible with our unpopular presence.

"Let's find somewhere to sit," I said quickly, feeling the weight of Luke's glare burning into my side. He had made it clear that I was to stay out of his way tonight, and I wasn't about to test his patience. The last thing I needed was to become a target for his next idiotic stunt.

"Wait," Lucy exclaimed as she reached for two bright red cups. I watched in atrocity as she filled them to the brim with some questionable liquid, my stomach already doing somersaults at the mere scent of the booze.

I hesitantly took the cup she offered me, trying to muster up some courage to down the drink. Lucy grinned devilishly, clearly enjoying my discomfort. "Bottoms up!" she exclaimed, clinking her cup against mine before taking a big gulp.

I took a deep breath and followed suit, the burning sensation of the alcohol causing me to cough and sputter. Lucy burst into laughter, doubling over as I gasped for air.

"Remind me to never trust you with drinks again," I wheezed, trying to regain my composure. Lucy just shrugged, a mischievous flash in her eyes. "Hey, life's too short to drink boring stuff. Besides, a little liquid courage never hurt anyone!"

"So how will we do this?" Lucy asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Do what?"

"Getting Luke's attention, of course!"

My heart sank. Of course, that's who she was talking about. The one guy I was trying to avoid all night.

I scanned the crowd, making sure to keep my distance from Luke.

"Let's have another drink first," I couldn't get to tell her that Luke was a no-go. I mean look at the two of us, and look at the girls, oh especially the one who is hanging on his lips right now.

I watched Luke charm his way through the crowd with his chiselled jawline and perfect smile, he was the epitome of a Ken doll.

I grabbed another two cups and downed one in seconds. I may not have been a seasoned drinker, but judging by the raucous atmosphere of this shindig, I was going to need a few more of these to keep up.

we kept our distance from the wild dance floor and opted to chat by the trees across the swimming pool.

Luke was across the swimming pool, his eyes scanning the crowd until they landed on me. It felt like his gaze was burning a hole right through me, sending shivers down my spine. Was it the alcohol making me feel this way, or was Luke actually looking at me?

Before I could even process what was happening, I blurted out to Lucy, "Hide! Luke is coming."

She looked at me like I had lost my mind. "What do you mean, hide?"

I grabbed her arm and tried to drag her towards the nearest tree, but it was too late.

"Who's your friend little sister?" Luke asked

I was caught off guard and couldn't manage to form a coherent response. The alcohol I had consumed seemed to have a tight grip on my vocal cords. I looked at Lucy, silently urging her to introduce herself.

"I'm Lucy," she said, extending her hand towards Luke. But he seemed more interested in me, his gaze lingering on my outfit as if he were appraising it.

"You should dress more like that," he commented, a mischievous grin playing on his lips as he took a casual sip of his drink. Lucy shot me a look, clearly infuriated by the situation I found myself in.

Why would he compliment my dress? And that in front of Lucy, she's been trying to get his attention well, I don't know for how long. Sounded like she's been crushing on him for years now.

I watched Lucy's face turn a pang shade of red. It was almost comical how she tried to play it cool, but her eyes were practically shooting daggers at me. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under by now.

"What are you drinking?" Lucy tried to make conversation.

"What are you drinking?" Luke asked me, his eyes lingering on my dress as if it held the secrets of the universe.

"We are drinking vodka I think," I said, emphasizing the word 'we'

Lucy's face fell as Luke continued to ignore her, his gaze fixed on me like I was a rare species of bird he had never seen before.

Look handed me his cup, I could see Lucy shooting daggers at me with her eyes. It was clear she was not happy that he was showing me attention instead of her. I could practically feel the tension in the air as I hesitated to take the cup from him.

"I'm good, thanks," I quickly replied, hoping to diffuse the situation.

"Oh, come on little sis, live a little!" he urged, flashing me a charming smile as he held the cup out to me. I shook my head, determined not to give in to his persistent persuasion.

"Perhaps your friend would like to taste?" Luke suggested, turning his attention to Lucy. The look on her face was priceless - It was as if she had just been asked to the prom by the star quarterback.

Lucy handed Luke back his cup, I couldn't help but notice the grimace on her face. Whatever concoction she had just taken a sip of clearly did not sit well with her, but she put on a brave smile and passed the cup back to him.

"That's very nice," Luk's laughter echoed through the crowd. Without missing a beat, he downed the remainder of the drink in one gulp.

"That's the spirit," he declared, slamming the empty cup down on the table. Lucy shot him a playful glare before grabbing two more drinks.

"You should loosen up a little," Luke whispered in my ear as he sidled up behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck, Was it the alcohol or was he actually getting to me?

With the added element of alcohol in the mix, I found myself feeling strangely giddy. My knees felt weak, but not from the drinks – it was definitely Luke's presence that was making me feel fuzzy.

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