Vol. 2

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Skullgals #4: Sensible Senselessness II

A few days after the nonsense with Elphelt, Filia was reading through the positive comments gained from Elphelt's cameo.

"NO!" Filia hammered her fist on the desk in frustration. "WHY IS THAT ELPHELT GIRL GETTING SO MUCH TRACTION?!"

The Player was cycling through the comments as well and was just as lost. "I... I don't know. Even the Writer wasn't expecting that cameo to blow up."

"She may be a problem," Squigly suggested in a defensive tone.

Sensing Squigly's hostility, a drop of sweat rolled down Leviathan's head. "Let's not be hasty..."

"Yeah. Jeez," Samson exerted his indifference to the drama. "I don't think I've ever seen you two this worked up."

The Player sat the reader replies down, and looked at the girls. "Gotta agree with boys on this. You guys are overreacting."

"No," Filia sternly denied. "I tolerated those Valentine's Day chapters, but I will NOT tolerate a Valentine getting a special. She's not even a Skullgirls character!"

The Player and Squigly were visibly surprised when Filia mentioned the Valentine's Day chapters. "Wait, you knew about those?" They asked simultaneously.

Filia gave them both an unimpressed stare. "Yes," she flatly answered. "And, by the way, we're gonna have a talk about that. You're not slick, Squigly."

Filia squinted at her because she knew that Squigly knew that she knew...

Squigly's body language sullenly declines at Filia's knowing glare. "...But I-"

"LOVE HIM!" Out of nowhere, Elphelt blitzed by and tackled the Player to the floor with a hug.

"OOF!" The Player cried out as he got the wind knocked out of him.

"There you are, darling!" Elphelt cradled his head in her chest, failing to realize she was suffocating him. "I've been looking everywhere for you! Teehee! It's okay,  because I won't let you get away from me again!"

The Player struggled against Elphelt's hold, but he managed to lift his face from the soft clutch of her chest and gasped for air. "GAH! E-Elphelt, please!"

Elphelt was so busy with her thoughts that she overlooked his plead, but she pulled back with her hands on his shoulders. "You know, I was thinking that for my next concert, I should dedicate an entire song to you! What better way to spread the love than spearheading my own?"

While she was rambling, the Player was trying to pry himself out of her persistent hands. "No, seriously! You don't know what's-"

Her head was empty, and Elphelt's superior strength pulled the Player back into her chest so she could coddle him. "Hmmm... If I had to play for you, Player, I'd make it upbeat: a hopeful tune with a dash of doubt to show that even with all your growth, you still have insecurities to conquer, and even though you're dedicated to protecting the ones you hold dear, the world continues to be your most formidable foe."

Whatever the Player was trying to convey, it was muffled by Elphelt's hold.

"But amidst the darkness, I hook back to that hope! You overcome it all with our love! And then we get married, have a ton of kids, and then we would go on to-"

She went on with that fantasy of hers, failing to realize the Player suffocated in her bosom.

Annnnnnd, then Filia did something that would be a spoiler if I put it here.

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