Vol. 4

266 7 30

Skullgals #9: Valentine's Day Skit (2024)

Poorman Apartments
February 14th

While the girls were in the front room watching TV, the Player entered with two heart-shaped boxes of chocolate.

"Hey, ladies. What's up?"

They turned to the Player and greeted him with their smiles.

"Hey! Back already?" Filia asked.

"Yeah. I told you I wasn't going to be out long. Here, I bought you two a little something something for today."

He gently shook the boxes to show the girls. They got up from the couch to collect their gifts.

"Chocolate?" Squigly asked with butterflies in her stomach and a goofy smile she couldn't shake. "How sweet. What's the occasion?"

"Valentine's Day!" Filia joyfully answered.

"That's today?" Squigly was genuinely surprised when Filia answered and stared at the box. "My, where does time go... Anyway, thank you."

Leviathan was pleased with the gesture and nodded in approval of the Player's gift. "Now that's the gentlemen I know. Very well, done, Player. I'm proud of you."

The Player quietly snickered. "Thanks, dad."
Despite the Player's playful sarcasm, Leviathan took pride in the title. In fact, he championed it and smiled warmly.

"Don't go pulling any romantic crap thinking you're getting anything in return," Samson brusquely replied to the Player's gift.

The Player sneered at Samson's comment. "What? I can't do something nice for my friends from the kindness of my heart?"

"Kindness?" Samson questioned. "Please. There's always some ulterior motive."

Leviathan rolled his eyes at Samson's nonsense. "Not everyone is a sex crazed degenerate like you, Buffoon."

"Can it, Worm. I'm doing you and Wormfood a favor.

Before Squigly could eat the chocolate she had in hand, the conversation distracted her enough to deny a bite. "Samson, the Player isn't like that," she assured in disapproval of his antagonistic view. "How have we been partners for this long, and you still think he's up to no good?"

"He's young," Samson argued. "Young men are always the first ones making the mov-"

Filia kissed the Player's cheek to express her gratitude, surprising him. "Thank you for the gift! I really appreciate it."

"Filia!" Samson cried out in horror.

It took a second for the Player's brain to catch up with him, but when it did, he bashfully scratched his cheek. "Oh. No problem... Ha. Always happy to make you happy."

Squigly walked to the other side, stood on her toes, and kissed the other cheek. "You're a real sweetheart. Thanks again."

Samson's face scrunched in comical dismay while Leviathan was pleased, not only because this was the biggest middle finger to Samson's protest, but the crew showing appreciation for one another was genuinely heartwarming to see.

The Player was trying to hide his embarrassment, but the smile wouldn't go away. "Aaaw, you guys..."

"I wonder what everyone else is doing for Valentine's Day," Squigly wondered.
"They're probably out on a date or something," the Player assured.


Cerebella was running Medici errands

Carol was baking Valentine themed cupcakes for the folks at Lab 8

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