Chapter 6: Ain't No Daisy

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Dean doesn't see Cas for two weeks after that, and neither does Sam or Eileen. He tries calling him after the sixteenth day, and gets only his voicemail.

Make your voice... a mail.

Dean stands there with his phone pressed against his ear and doesn't say anything. He can still feel Cas's power as Dean kissed him, the open, coursing electricity in Cas's eyes.

Dean hangs up and tells Sam to call instead.

Sam calls, says he doesn't get a hold of Cas either. Sam asks him about the case, and Dean tells him about the Amphisbaena, but leaves out the after part. What Sam doesn't know, he can't ask Dean about.

Another week goes by, Dean makes spaghetti one night for dinner, and Eileen and Sam make sausage and veggies the next night. They take turns picking movies to watch in the Dean Cave together. Sam picks some baseball movie, Dean picks a John Wick one, and Eileen makes them watch a movie with Ryan Reynolds. Sam burns popcorn and so he's banned from Jiffy Pop detail for the remainder of the week.

They search for Michael, and get nothing.

"What if we just summoned Crowley?" Sam asks one day.

Dean shrugs.

They summon Crowley the next day in an abandoned field several miles from the bunker, and the pompous bag of dicks shows up with his arms spread wide.

"Hello boys!" He greets them, spiffy in his black suit, his accent just as strong as Dean remembers.

He walks towards them, and runs into the edge of a devil's trap. He falls backward. "Really? A devil's trap? After all I've done for you? I died for you!" He points wildly at them.

Dean rolls his eyes. "We've all died for the cause, Crowley, you don't get a gold star."

Crowley sneers. "Well, it was the first time I've died for anything other than myself, I think that says something."

Sam huffs, Eileen kicks the dirt at her feet.

"C'mon, you guys haven't trapped me like this in years! Not since the whole Hell Trials thing! I haven't harmed a hair on your lumberjack heads in a long time." Crowley spits. "This is so medieval."

Dean rolled his eyes again, and breaks the trap with his foot. "Fine, Crowley."

"Ah," Crowley rolls his shoulders, cracks his neck. "Now that we've all come to our senses, how 'bout a nice chat? Drinks on you guys?"


"You all are a bunch of snobbish arseholes." Crowley flicks an invisible piece of lint off his jacket. "Now, what did you all call me for? And where's the angel?"

Dean deflects. "We're looking for Michael."

The demon shrugs. "Heard he's topside, like most of us, but other than that, I haven't the foggiest." He flicks his hands out, rolling up his sleeves. "Now, where's feathers?"

Dean shifts, glances at Sam. Sam shakes his head. Neither have heard from Cas in the few weeks he's been radio silent.

Crowley's face falls for a moment. "I thought he made it out. That fire was so bright I could've sworn..."

"He did make it out." Dean grits. "He's been around."

"Oh lovely." Crowley clasps his hands together in front. "Shall we call him then? I'd love to see the choir boy."

"Why?" Sam asks, eyes narrowing. "What do you want with him?"

Crowley waves his hands. "Oh never you mind. Can a demon not be besties with an angel? We had that whole rom-com road trip."

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