001 Remember

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                       Chapter 1
                  ↳ remember ↲

❝remember when nana took us to church every Saturday ❞ - Lydia

❝remember when nana took us to church every Saturday ❞ - Lydia

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Me and liddy have been walking for months maybe even years okay maybe that's a little to much I couldn't stop thinking about Abigail I knew she was okay or I mean I hoped she was 

As we where walking liddy couldn't stop telling me thing from the past "remember when nana took us to church every Saturday" liddy said as we walked "yea" I said flatly. we where catholic and even after every thing I still had my faith in god and I hope liddy did too. We still prayed before going to sleep and when we woke up.

It's been hours since we've eaten me and liddy have been walking on a path that was unfamiliar to us we didn't know where we were we just hoped to get somewhere safe before sunset

"hey you two there!" I heard a women's voice yell from behind us once me and liddy turned we saw a women once she got close enough "are you guy okay?do you have anywhere to go" The women asked "um where fine. And no" I say, as liddy stands behind me she was always a shy kid but all it took was to get to know you then you'd be her new best friend

The women smiled at us "I'm carol" she said "I'm Anastasia and this is Lydia" I say "nice to meet you two. look I don't want you guys walking all alone come with me" me and Liddy looked at each other "okay" liddy said happy that we have found people "liddy" I whispered but I'm pretty sure the women heard cuz she chuckled "I'm not gonna kill you. I know it hard to trust people nowadays" she said "no it's fine I'm sorry it's just that we haven't really seen much people anymore" I say usually when I did I would have to end up killing them.


As we walked me and liddy got to know carol a bit more. She gave off this comfortably warm vide which is why I kinda trusted her

As we start walking I noticed a group of people "carol do you see that" liddy asked "yes, don't worry I know them" she says once we get close to them a tall mad with scares on his face noticed us

That's when he ran up to us and hugged carol that's when more people started to walk up to us "guys this is Anastasia and Lydia I found them I thought that we should help them" carol said as the man that hugged her turned to us "I'm Daryl" he said giving us a slight smile

As I looked around I locked eyes a pair of bright blue ones he had a cowboy hat on and he looked to be around my age

But I looked away to look at the man infront of me "hi I'm Rick, you guys okay?" He said with a smile "yea" I say "do you have any weapons on you?" He asks "a gun" liddy says "anything else?" He askes "no" I lied. I didn't wanna tell him about the knifes we had just in case something was to happen


We where walking towards a place that carol told us we had to go once we got close to a small cabin when a man carrying a baby came out of it that's when Rick ran up to them and grabbed the baby as he hugged her I couldn't help but break out a small smile at the happy moments

A few minutes go by and it's geting kinda boring I zoned out till liddy tugged my arm signaling that we where moving again as we started walking

"Hey I'm Maggie" a lady says as liddy smiled so wildly "your pretty" liddy said as the lady similes even more "so are you girls" she said


First chapter hope Yall love it i know its short but i did my best😭

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