003 - suck it up

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                       Chapter 3
                   ↳suck it up ↲

❝Its bad when your parents yell at you but it's worse when they don't say anything at all ❞ - Ana

❝Its bad when your parents yell at you but it's worse when they don't say anything at all ❞ - Ana

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"I'm scared Ana" liddy cried. Daryl carol and bob are missing "don't be they will come back. Rest a little" I say as she lays down on the wooden bench of the church "do you think they are still alive?" Carl asks. I turn to my right to see him "yea" I say flatly. Before he could respond the big creaky door of the church opened as I looked towards it to see who it might've been.

"Stop. What are you doing. What are you doing. This is all connected you show up and we're being watched and now three of us are gone" Sasha said to Gabriel" I don't I don't have anything to do with" he pleaded she obvious didn't believe him since she pulled out her knife

"Don't!" Rosita yelled " Sasha, put it away" Tyrese said to her, instead she walked closer to Gabriel

" who's out there?" She asked getting closer as Gabriel tried walking backwards with his hands up " I-I don't have anything..." " where are our people?" " I don't have anything to-"

" where are our people!" She yelled at him " please I don't have anything to do with this. I-" Gabriel said, obviously frightened.

" please I-" " are you working with someone?" Rick asked now he was getting closer. " I am alone I'm alone. I was always alone." Gabriel said. " what about the woman in the food bank Gabriel? what did you do to her 'you'll burnt for this?' That was for you why what are you gonna burn for Gabriel?" Rick said as he lunged at Gabriel grabbing the collar of his shirt " what what did you do? What did you do?!" Rick yelled

Gabriel managed to get Rick off of him

" I lock the doors at night. I always lock the doors at night. They started coming my congregation. Atlanta was bombed at the night before and they were looking for a safe place- they were they were looking for a safe place a place where they felt safe and it was so early it was so early. the doors are still locked you see it was my choice, there were so many so many of them, and they were trying to break the shutters and banging on the sidings screaming at me, and so when the dead came for them...women, children entire family's, calling my name as they were torn apart, begging me for mercy daming me to hell I buried their bones I buried it all the Lord you finally punish me" Gabriel sobbed as he fell to the ground "I'm damned. I was damned before I always lock the door- I always lock the doors" he repeated with more sobs

" there's someone outside... someone on the ground" that's what everyone started to run outside "you guys stay here" Maggie said to us as she ran out side

"Aw I wanted to see what's outside" liddy said as I chuckled


" I was in a graveyard when I got knocked out I woke up outside this place I look like a school. It was a guy gareth and five other ones. They were eating my leg right in front of me like it was nothing all proud like they had it all figured out." He cried " did they have Daryl and Carol?" Rick asked "gareth said they drove off"

" He's in pain do we have anything? I think there's packets of pills in the first aid kit." Rosita said as she got up to get them "save them" he said "no" Sasha said "really." He said as he struggled to sit up as he showed his bite mark "it happened at the food bank"

" there's a sofa in my office... I know it's not much, but..." Gabriel said "thank you"


"Do you hear that?" Liddy says the adults where fighting like little kids "it's nothing go back to sleep" I say. we left the main part of the church to some office  "they always fight for stupid reasons" Carl says talking about the group as I slip out a short sarcastic laugh. "Mhm I've noticed" I say as he smiles and looks at the floor

We were there for a while till we heard the front doors crack open that's when Carl and I pulled out our guns and Gabriel started to pray while liddy sat on the floor with her knees to her chest. I aimed my gun to the door and I wasn't afraid to shot whoever came in.

"Well I guess you know we're here and we know you're here and we're armed so there's really no point in hiding anymore...we've been watching you. We know who's here...there's bob unless you put him out of his misery already and eugene, Rosita martins good friend Tyreese...Carl, Anastasia, Lydia... and Judith... Rick and the rest walked out...with a lot of your guns listen we don't know where you all are but this isn't a big place. So let's just stop this now before things get more painful then they need to be. Look your behind one of these two doors and we have more than enough firepower to take down both can't imagine that's what you all want how about the priest! Father how bout you wrap this up and we'll let you walk away from this just open the door and go you can take the baby's with you what do you say."

I stood near the table till Judith stated to cry I ran towards her and so did Carl  "shhh" we said "that's your Last Chance right now to tell us you're coming out " was all that I heard till I heard gun shots


We all stood in Gabriel's office as we said our last goodbyes to bob that's when we all walked out

"I'm hungry" liddy said "suck it up" I say was we sat on the hard wooden bench


"God Abigail how could you be so selfish" my mother yelled at my older sister "I'm sorry" she whispered as liddy covered her ears "oh your sorry- if your so sorry why won't you just do as I say huh is it that hard to make your mom so proud huh?!"

My mom was geting mad at my sister we where supposed to take Christmas photos at the mall of course none of us wanted to do it but my mom "the dress is itchy and I don't look good in it" my sister yelled as my mother didn't say anything and just looked at her. I could tell my sister was scared.

Its bad when your parents yell at you but it's worse when they don't say anything at all

"Well I guess your just gonna have to suck it up" my mother finally yelled before walking away as my sister let out a sigh "that went nice" I said to Abby "it could have been worse" she said walking to her room with the kids dress


I was with Carl siting on the wooden benches the group was planing on leaving to Washington but I didn't think I wanted to.

We all made it out side i chose not to go to DC since I didn't wanna leave with out carol I mean she saved me and liddy "he promised he'd be back. Why isn't he back yet" liddy said I know she was talking about Daryl "they will be" I say speaking about carol and Daryl "just stay calm Kay" I say as she nods

Okay yall better like this cuz this one took a while to write 😝

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