008 - who do you want?

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                       Chapter 8
               ↳who do you want↲

who do you want Carl...really one second your with Stacy and then the next your with Ana - Ron

_______________________Ron has been talking to me lately I feel kinda bad for the boy

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Ron has been talking to me lately I feel kinda bad for the boy. I mean he just lost his dad I know how it feels to lose someone who you love

"Oh...don't worry Ron I'll always be here if you wanna talk" I say as he hugs me i was gonna back away but he never let go which was kinda odd

As i looked around my eyes locked with blue ones. Carl was on a walk with Judith in her stroller.

I wanted to call out his name but it sorta looked like he was mad...was it at me?


It was chaos, people screaming in pain and horror I was on a walk when it started. I was scared...but I was mostly scared that I didn't know where liddy was. I prayed she was safe I wanted to go look for her but I know she was smart enough to hide somewhere. I remember that she was at Jessie house playing with Sam. I trust that Jessie will protect my baby sister.

That's when I remembered I had the keys to both mine and carls house so I went to the nearest one as ibstarted to unlock the door the first thing I saw was a gun point right at me

"Hey?" I say a bit frightened "why didn't you just knock" Carl said "why would I knock if I have a key" I say stating the obvious "hey are you okay you seam kinda pissed?" I asked but he ignored my question "watch the back door tell me if you see them coming" he said

"You didn't answer my question" I say "you didn't do as I said"
He said as he looked straight at me "oh so now I'm supposed to do everything you want" I say in a sarcastic tone

"Sit down. You helping me protect Judith" he said in a demanding voice

He sat on the floor as I sat behind him as our backs touched

"Holy shit" I say looking out the window Ron was getting cased by a man that's when carl went out side and shot the man in the leg as the man begged to not be unalived  he tried to grab onto Carl but he shot him I didn't hear what they where saying but then Ron ran off "Carl come on" I say since he was just standing there


"Oh Lydia" I say hugging my little sister as she has tears in her I eyes "I was so scared" she said "I know you were, I'm so sorry I wasn't there" I said hugging her "don't be I was safe Jessie kept me and Sammy safe" she said

I was so happy she was with me and the thought of losing her scared me.


"Enid left?" I said I was with Carl when gwyn came up to us and told us that Enid left

"We have to find her this is really dangerous...i think she went over the wall" gwyn said

After a while me and Carl decided to talk to Ron

"Hey" Carl said to the boy while walking closer "you okay?" Carl asked "why wouldn't I be" He said
"Have you seen Enid" Carl asked Ron "not since I saw her with you" he said
"Gwyn said she probably went over the wall" Carl stated "what makes you think she isn't dead?" Ron said still looking at the ground "come on Ron we wanna go find her...but we need your help" I say "I'm not helping yall" "this isn't for me-" "who do you want Carl...really one second your with stacy and then the next your with Ana and now Enid" Ron said "what are you-" "tell me Carl." He cuts him off while walking closer "don't you wanna help your friend" Carl says "I'm not Letting you guys go" Ron said as we and Carl walked off "Ana! Carl!" Ron said that's when Ron pulled carls arm as Carl pushed him then he pushed him back then it turned into a fight "you guys calm down" I said

To be honest I wasn't that scared about the situation. I don't know it it's because I've seen a lot of fights in my life plus I was just in one a few days ago

Then Carl pushed Ron to the ground
Then Ron told us that Carl's dad would come after us and blah blah blah


I was walking around the community and now I'm geting more and more familiar to this place "Ana! Wait up!" I heard carls voice I tried walking faster but he caught up to me.

"Are you okay it's like you're mad at me" he laughed "...oh you are mad at me. What did I do?" He asked "no no nothing" I say while not looking at him "Ana...you can tell me...please" he begged softly tugging at my arm masking me look at him "it's nothing it's just...what Ron said earlier...who do you want Carl?" I say stilling looking at the ground " Ana" he says lifting my chin to make me look at him "I want you" he says as our noses touch

That's when he both lean in and I felt his soft lips moving in sync with mine
I put my arms around his neck as my fingers get tangled in his hair and his hands rest on my hips

I wanted nothing but this moment to never end.


The walkers broke through the walls.

We where all wearing some clothing that was covering in the walkers junk

As we stood with walkers all around us my hand held Liddys  and carls as we walked  with the crowd of walkers all around us

"Alright new plan flares from a few guns aren't enough too many walkers too spread out we're not going to the armory we need our vehicles all of us drive well need to round em up we leave we come back" Rick said

"Okay, but Judith to the quarry and back, I..." Jessie said "I'll take her. Keep her safe in my church until you lead all the walkers away" Gabriel said

"Can you do this?" Michonne said "I'm supposed to. I have to. I will."

That's when Carl gave Gabriel Judith "take Sam and Lydia" Jessie said as she looked at me as I nodded "no." Sam said "yes it'll be safer" "I'm not leaving you" "Sam-" "mom I'm not...I can keep going" "Sam" "I can keep going....please" he begged "okay" she said "so just take liddy" I said to Gabriel as she hugged me "stay safe I love you Kay" I said to her "I love you too" she said as she walked with Gabriel "I'm going to keep them safe" Gabriel said before walking off I held hands with Gwyneth.

Then Carl reached out for my hand as our fingers intertwined

As we walked but then Sam stoped "Sam?" "Sam you can do it" "stay strong" Sam was on the break on crying before a walker came and bit Sam and started to eat him.

As his mother yelled "Jessie?!" I say as she was bit next.

That's when Ron picked up his gun and aimed it at Rick "you" he said before michonne stabbed him but Ron's gun fired I turned to look at Carl as he looked up at me

"Anastasia?" He said with his right eye missing "Carl" I said as he drops to the ground Rick then picks up Carl as we walked through the crowd.


I couldn't hear anyone my mind went blank Carl might die I didn't want to think about that

Before I knew it everyone ran out to get Rick since he ran into the crowd of walker

I walked near Carl as I held his hand as a tear feel out of my eye. I did the only thing I knew I could do And that was to pray. Pray that Carl would be safe, my sister to be safe for the group to be safe.


Hope yall loved this I've been working hard 😓

Also please don't mind any missed spelled words 😭

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