|♡|Wound Healing|♡| Medhammer

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How did smut win.

This might be a short/lazy ish one I'm mad tired rn also thanks for 1k reads/views ish!!

Also trans medkit... eat up bbgs...

Another day, another Phight. Which means another loss. Ban Hammer groans as he and his team walks with another group of Phighters to receive treatment at the Lost Temple after losing a 13x battle. Such a terrible feeling..

Medkit was in his office, fixing some stuff up, probably about to leave before the group of phighters appeared.

"..Oh." Medkit just said before sighing. At least they'd pay him for this anyways. He sighed as he just helped the many injured phighters who had absurd types of injuries. Sword in the head, head trauma, burns, and what seemed to be just be permanent scars..

And then finally, there lies, Ban Hammer. He stared down at Medkit who just stared back at him.

"..Wasn't expecting the Warden himself here. What are you gonna say now? It was just a scratch, I'm guessing?" Medkit predicted.. It seems like his prediction was wrong. Ban Hammer's armor was slightly dripping with blood.. Oh. It seems like they got through with his armor.

"..I guess so." Ban Hammer said.

Medkit carefully removed Ban Hammer's armor, seeing a slash on Ban Hammer's back. It was gushing out and blood was just dripping everywhere.

"..And perhaps I'm guessing Sword slashed you like that?" Medkit asked.

"..Yes." Ban Hammer said, embarrassed.

Medkit rolled his eyes. He wasn't surprised..

Despite that, the sight of Ban Hammer without his armor was arousing. God. He looked so good without his armor.. Medkit wouldn't imagine anything else concurrently other than Ban Hammer just.. Completely naked.


Why was he thinking like that? Why think of his client completely naked. How foul and disgraceful.

Medkit continued to heal Ban Hammer's wounds with the many crystals Medkit had. He sighed, not thinking much of it.

Ban Hammer noticed the way Medkit looked at him.. Perhaps..?

"Mm.. I see the way you're looking at me, doc." Ban Hammer said calmly, caressing Medkit's cheek.

"..Don't touch me." Medkit said calmly.

"Don't look at me like that then. I can see you sizing me up and down, doc." Ban Hammer said, staring back down at Medkit who obviously was caught in a pickle here.

"I wasn't..?" Medkit scoffed as he finished with healing Ban Hammer's giant wounds.

"Uhm, yeah you were." Ban Hammer scowled. He looked back at the shorter male who just rolled his one eye he had.

"You don't have physical proof and evidence." Medkit clearly said.

"I know you want a piece of me." Ban Hammer smirked. God. He looked so smug, if it wasn't for Medkit being tired, he would've punched him in the face by now.

".." Medkit rolled his eyes and went back to work, bandaging the wound til it looked perfectly secured around the Warden's torso.

"Mm.. I don't think you have any other.. Clients..? Patients?" Ban Hammer guessed.

"..I don't have any." Medkit said calmly
"Why are you asking me this." Medkit asked.

"Oh I don't know.." Ban Hammer then pulled Medkit closer to him, caressing his cheek before giving him a kiss, a French kiss even.

Medkit pulled away, gasping for air. He looked at Ban Hammer and just blinked for a bit, flustered.

"Fine. Do what you want. Just get this over with." Medkit said, still flustered. He looked back at Ban Hammer who then took his pants off. It was around 10 inches at that. Maybe more, Medkit couldn't care less to even measure the height.

Medkit gently slipped his pants and undergarments off, revealing his teal cunt. It was slightly dripping but it was about to drip more soon.

Medkit sighed as he got onto Ban Hammer, holding onto his shoulders as he stared at Ban Hammer's twitching length.

"Make this quick.." Medkit mumbled as Ban Hammer gently spread his legs and pushed Medkit down onto his twitching length. If it wasn't for Medkit being much smaller than him, he would've been balls deep by now..

"..Gh.. Perhaps warn me before you do that?" Medkit said with a bit of frustration in his voice.

"It's not that big of a deal." Ban Hammer said calmly as he started to thrust in and out of Medkit, slowly going faster

"..Mmf." Medkit buried his face into Ban Hammer's chest, muffling his moans as Ban Hammer thrusted. Clearly it looks like Ban Hammer would probably destroy him if he started to go faster..

Medkit was trying his hardest not to be too loud as there were still some people in the building.

"Ah.." Medkit moaned out, his one visible eye closed as Ban Hammer started to thrust faster.

The wet sound of Ban Hammer's length inside of Medkit and the panting shared by the two were the only things heard in that room.

This would go on for what felt like hours and hours. Medkit occasionally whimpering slightly from the pain.

After another 10 minutes, Ban Hammer gripped onto Medkit's thighs and rammed deeper inside of him, now balls deep..

"Hh.. I'm.. I'm close.." Medkit muttered out softly to Ban Hammer, staring at his face that also showed signs of close relief.

"..I'm close too." Ban Hammer mumbled as he groaned and started to thrust even faster, leaving Medkit moaning loudly from the pleasure.

This went on for another 5 minutes before the two climaxed. Medkit panted, breathing heavily as Ban Hammer held his back, also panting onto him too.

Ban Hammer pulled out, watching his seed slip out of Medkit ever so slowly. Ban Hammer sighed heavily as he just gave Medkit, who was shaking and slightly losing consciousness, a kiss on the neck.


This was originally like 600 words how did I get to 925

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