|☆|Growing Experiment|☆| Vinespace

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It was another day in Blackrock. Dead silent and snowing. But within Blackrock was this giant Lab. Full of nothing but vials and tubes with various collections of liquids and cells. Usually, the Blackrockian Scientist, Subspace would be there. But this time, he had seemed to brought along a friend of his. Or maybe more.

He is concurrently experimenting on a plant. Not only that but he was with Vine Staff. He sat there mumbling, thinking how he could get a flower to naturally grow without having to pour tons of chemicals into it, making it unnatural..
He looked back at Vine Staff that had her own plant. It was big and healthy.

"Vine Staff.. How do you get your plants so.. Healthy..?" Subspace asked, staring at Vine Staff who looked overjoyed to tell him about a natural way to grow a plant.

"How do I keep my plants healthy? I'm surprised you even asked that.. Well you see, I like to water my plants every day. Don't overwater it.. It'll die." Vine Staff explained before she continued.
"Give it sunlight. Better if you have a greenhouse. It warms the inside up. I do recommend being a little careful when it comes to going inside of a greenhouse. It's hot. Other than that, you should really take care of it. If it dies, you must replace it.. Well, that's up to you though." Vine Staff explained, flabbergasted that Subspace would ask her this but at the same time, she felt happy. Excited, even.

Subspace stared at the dead plant in the pot before poking at the dead plant. Vine Staff sighed and just touched the dead plant. It slowly bloomed into a living plant once more. A forget me not. How beautiful. Subspace stared, amazed by Vine Staff's powers.

"..What type of flower is that..? It looks interesting.." Subspace asked, staring at the Forget me not.

"This is a 'Forget Me Not'. A beautiful plant with lots of meaning. I actually have something special for you!"
Vine Staff said, pulling out a flower crown that had a lot of red flowers. Spider lilies, roses, bleeding hearts, poppies, dahlias, and Hibiscuses.

Subspace stared, amazed by the beauty. Such fascinating plants.. And the way they were shaped.. and in different sizes.. Oh it just all was so interesting to Subspace.

"You look interested in the rose? Do you like roses, Subspace?" Vine Staff asked with a smile on her face.

"I do.. Do you think I could.. Grow some..?" Subspace asked, implying he wanted a bit of guidance and help with growing the plants.

"Of course I'll help you dear." Vine Staff smiled as she watched Subspace happily get up from his chair and leading her to this small garden. He usually had it there for.. Reasons.

Vine Staff couldn't see it through Subspace's gas mask but he was smiling softly.. Vine Staff made Subspace feel.. Different. Something he hadn't felt in so long, now coming back to him just because of some simple flowers..

"Err.. I apologize for the snow covering it.." Subspace apologized. The snow covering the tiny space of a garden was a faded pink. Maybe from all of Subspace's experiments. Subspace pushed aside the snow, revealing the garden full of dirt.

"Uh.. Don't we need-" Subspace paused before staring back Vine Staff who had some small packets of flower seeds. Boy did she come prepared..

"Subspace, do you recall having anything for your garden, dear..? Like tools?"
Vine Staff asked as she gently touched the dirt.

"I think I do!" Subspace said as he walked off to this abandoned looking shed and opened the door. The door creaked loudly since it was kind of rusting. Subspace walked in and grabbed a shovel and tossed it out. He was looking for more stuff. He had a weed cutter, and so much more.

"..Maybe we need just three.." Vine Staff said, smiling at Subspace who nodded. He grabbed the shovel, watering can, and fertilizer.

"I actually don't remember why we had fertilizer in here. Subspace trailed off and just placed the stuff leaning against the small frame of the garden. He would shovel out some of the dirt, use the fertilizer, and would wet the dirt in case.

Vine Staff carefully poured some seeds into the wet dirt and would gently move the dirt on top of it.

"We're doing good already!" Vine Staff said

"It's that easy..?" Subspace said, staring at Vine Staff.

"Well, here comes the hard part. The plant needs sunlight and water. Try giving it water every two or three days."
Vine Staff recommended before the two would go back into Subspace's lab. The two sat down together.

"..Thank you so much."
Subspace said as he hugged Vine Staff who wasn't expecting it but hugged back anyways. The hug was warm.. Soft.. Loving.. Just what Subspace wanted..
Subspace, out of happiness gave Vine Staff a kiss. The kiss would be returned by Vine Staff as she held the shorter Blackrockian Scientist in her grasp.

838 words
Eat up guys

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