I. Bella's Diner

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Dani Winchester's POV

Bella's Diner

August 14th, Tuesday, 6:30 am

     Everyone says, "The Winchester sisters don't share the sibling bond," of course, I'd be lying if I said those rumors weren't true. I practically raised my sister. We never had the stable home we wanted as a child. I had to play the role of mother and sister. But I don't mind that despite the unhappy home, we had each other. We've kept very few traditions from childhood, but one important one every morning, we go to Bella's Diner. The diner was the one place we could get our strawberry cream pancakes. The sweet flavor reminds me of the Strawberry cream toaster strudels but fluffier and made with love.

     We've gone to Bella's as a daily required ritual for six years. The staff has known us long enough that we needn't order. They already know what we'll be having before we even request. Which was always helpful since sometimes we're late, but they always have the orders ready. And these days, that's been taking a load on my shoulders, especially as we've been waiting for a letter to Sindel about a better school.

     I was looking at my coffee, "Dani - Hello, are you alive?" I looked up toward Sindel and tilted my head, wondering what she was ranting about now, "What?" the younger sister tilted her head. I shook my head, "So, have you heard any news about my school letter?" The talk about her letter makes me anxious since I know the result. I know she'll be accepted, but my concern is the price that goes with an advanced private school.

     Sindel continued to rant about me spacing out a lot recently, which was odd in her words. But I didn't consider it bizarre since this wasn't anything new, particularly for me. I'd occasionally space out, but since I'm looking at my perspective, I'd be biased compared to what Sindel would believe. The door opened, which caused the bells to chime. Most people looked towards the door since the usual lot was here, and nobody new came into the diner in the mornings.

     The new soul who walked into the diner seemed oddly dressed. His trousers were navy blue, and his shirt was a black silk. Yes, the attire doesn't seem odd, but he was carrying mail, so that does seem like an abnormal attire for a mailman. But this wasn't the usual mailman for as long as we've lived here; Damon Afton has been the mailman. He's very popular and well-loved around the community, so I doubt he's under any inquiry.

     The new man looked around, and once his eyes spotted us, the gaze didn't waver anywhere else. I didn't feel comfortable with the stranger's gaze or the fact I didn't know him. However, Sindel seemed like she'd pounce on him if it meant she'd see if the man had her letter of acceptance or rejection. I took a sip of my coffee as I looked around the diner. Their eyes were fixed on us while our gaze became fixated on the stranger.

     The stranger reached our table and put on a friendly smile, "Hello ladies, I have a letter for Sindel Winchester from the Advanced Shadow Academy." he pulled the letter out of his brown leather pouch, which had golden buckles. He held the letter out to me while Sindel looked like she'd explode from excitement.

     I took the letter and looked at my sister, "Do you want to read the letter, or shall I?" She looked incoherent to what I just said, which caused me to roll my eyes as I slowly started to open the letter, "Okay, I'll read the letter then."

     The letter was in a burgundy-colored envelope with a golden seal that held the initials of the academy. I reached into my purse and grabbed my knife. I opened the blade and slowly cut the top of the envelope so I didn't damage anything. I closed my knife and placed it back into its respectful place in my purse, then pulled out the paper inside that could change my sister's life forever. Once opened, I skimmed over the contents carefully, getting the idea of her pending evaluation on whether or not she was accepted.

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