II. The Market

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     The engine started clicking as I pulled into the parking lot. I looked up at the car roof, sighing at the thought of not being able to afford a professional to fix it. An unfortunate side of living paycheck to paycheck is that we can't do much. That's why we enjoy our mornings at the diner. Just thinking about the problems makes me want to curse whatever higher power there may be.

Of course, you would. As if I don't already have enough on my plate without my car fucking dying. Fucking assholes can't even give us a break.

     I didn't know who I was talking to, just that I was talking to someone. After a few minutes, I knew I had to get my act together, or we wouldn't have a paycheck. Within thirty seconds, I was out and walking towards the local market. I loved working here, but it didn't pay much, and with the school fees, my car, and my rent, I am going to be fucked. Once I stood on the welcome mat, the doors opened, and the cold breeze from the inside hit my face.

     With a shiver, I walk inside, and the smell of freshly baked pie takes over my scent. I walked to the manager's office and knocked on the cold metal door. After no answer, I just shrugged it off and walked to the back of the store to clock in. The back had an old paper smell that would be in books, but this was more of an old file smell. Although the old file smell was pleasant, the creepy room made the baked pie smell more appealing. The lights flickered occasionally but not enough to cause seizures in those who were susceptible.

     I slipped my apron on since the bakery hasn't had a complete staff due to the rival bakery business, so I'd be working there for the day. But as I strode towards the front, I heard a crash and glass breaking, which caused me to freeze and multiple employees to check what caused the racket. Danny put a hand on my shoulder, which caused me to move slightly.

     With a slight shiver from the cool air, "What the fuck happened?" everyone looked at me curiously, as if I was speaking a foreign language.

     Danny tilted his head, "So that wasn't you?" I scoffed at the thought of me causing that ruckus. I must admit I may not be the most graceful person in the world, but I wouldn't say that I'm clumsy. When Danny asked that question, I saw the looks on everyone's faces and wondered what they were thinking. However, I stand by my statement. I may not be the most coordinated person, but I am not clumsy. "Okay, it wasn't you, sorry Dani."

     I rolled my eyes at the pitful apology. But then the idea sprouted, "Has anyone seen Mrs. Sparkles?" everyone shared a look, but this wouldn't surprise us, especially since she always seemed to get into trouble. "Come on, I think she's back here since we all know Mr. Dempsey hates her being back here."

     Everyone else nodded due to knowing my words were true. People have gotten lectured for letting her go into the back with all the breakables. We slowly started towards the canning jars, where she loved to hide. As we moved towards the known hideout of Mrs. Sparkles, I could only imagine the damage she caused. She has a temper from hell; she tried scratching and biting me when I attempted to relocate her to the front of the market last week.

     In a whisper and quiet voice, "Do you think Mr. Dempsey will lecture us for whatever damage the old bitch caused?" some snickered at her words; I even had to try not to smile. "I'm sure he'll be mad at us since she's pregnant."

     "No, I don't presume he will since she's been uncovering other ways in here," if not the entrance into the back, she'd run outside and enter from the other door. Honestly, despite being young, she's a clever furball. Once we got to the canning jars, we saw Mrs. Sparkles and her eight furball babies. "I'll be damned, Mrs. Sparkles, you're now a mother of eight beautiful baby kittens."

     Everyone else but me looked at the mini family in awe. I'm a cat person, but this wasn't a safe place to have kittens. I grabbed an empty box and carefully placed the kittens inside. Mrs. Sparkles started hissing and scratching me. Ulimently, the scratches caused some bleeding since Mr. Dempsey refused to declaw her. But it was fixable with a bandage and peroxide, so with that, I scooped up Mrs. Sparkles and placed her inside the box with her babies.

     I turned on my heels and started towards the entrance we all came from to inform Mr. Dempsey he was a grandfather at age twenty-six. Of course, it'll piss him off that he wasn't there to experience the miracle of life. But that's life for every living thing. We're born, we live, and then we die. We miss opportunities like this, but knowing Mrs. Sparkles and the little hoe that she is, he'll get his chance to see it soon enough.

     Betty opened the door so I could walk through and take the box to Mr. Dempsey's office. But as we walked into the front of the store, Mr. Dempsey was walking into the store. He saw us and tilted his head.

     "What's going on?" He seemed confused as he eyed me since I was holding the box. I tilted it forward slightly, being careful of the baby kittens. "Awe, I missed the babies being born ." he looked sad at the idea. I shook my head at this man and his attachment to the cat and the babies.

     My eyes started to water due to my allergies to cats. "Yes, sir, but considering Mrs. Sparkles' personality, she will give birth to more fur grandbabies eventually." Mr. Dempsey noticed my eyes and took the box. I gave him a nod of gratitude before wiping my eyes with a cleanex.

     Afterward, the rest of the crew went to work while I tried to get a conversation with Mr. Dempsey. After nearly half an hour of negotiations, I still couldn't get a raise, which wasn't ideal since I've been working here since I was sixteen. I walked out of Mr. Dempsey's office and towards the bakery section of the market.

So, much for not having to look for a fourth job. Honestly, it couldn't get any - Yeah, no, I'm not going to say that because every time I do, it gets more ominous.

     After working for a few hours, it felt like time appeared to drag on for an eternity. Of course, I did the one thing I always did during my lunch break. I sat in my car staring at my Strawberry Vanilla vape. Honestly, it was worse than an actual cigarette, but I had that fruit phase, and I guiltily loved the smell. Sindel didn't even know I used to smoke. Then again, I quit before it did any harm. However, the temptation on days like this seemed impossible to beat. But then I hear Sindel's voice and her spitting health facts at me a thousand miles a second.

I've worked since I was 16 to make ends meet and protect my sister. Now, she has the opportunity of a lifetime, and now the new information, I can't afford the fee.

     A knock on my window made me jump to the point I hit the car ceiling, "What the fuck, are you thinking?!"

     I looked and groaned when I saw who was outside my window, "Oh no," I sighed as I opened my door.

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