III. Lectures and Money Problems

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       Mrs. Lopez Bella's mother-in-law was storming towards my car; the anger was visible on her face, and the anger was radiating off her like radiation from phone towers or microwaves. I looked forward to knowing that a lecture from hell was coming my way. I put the vape back into my center console, where it's resided since I quit.

     "What on God's green earth are you doing? Are you smoking!? Don't you remember what happened to Mr. McCarthy?" I gulped at the tone used. It was loud, firm, and showed she was pissed.

     I raised my hands in defense, "I wasn't smoking, I swear, Mrs. Lopez." I was sure to observe her features, hoping to get her mind off what she just saw, "Did you get a haircut?" She stopped in front of my window.

     "No trates de desviar mi atención del hecho de que estás fumando. ¿Qué piensas? Es como si estuvieras tratando de conocer a Jesús temprano." I tilted my head since I was getting a headache from her yelling at me in spanish, but I'm glad I took spanish in high school.

     Without thinking, I started rambling on, "Mrs. Lopez, I wasn't smoking, I swear, I quit years ago -" But when I mentioned that her ears perked like a dog.

'Oh shit, I'm going to get an earful now...' she thought.

     "Danielle Winchester, ¡no dijiste simplemente que lo dejaste hace años! ¡Acabas de cumplir veintiún años hace unos meses!" I waved my hands in defeat.

     She quieted down slightly, but there was smoke practically coming out of her ears, "Yes, I did say years ago, but I was stupid and in a phase; I've quit since I gained custody of Sammy," Not too many people heard me call Sindel Sammy, but it's my nickname for her. Mrs. Lopzen tilted her head in confusion, which caused me to look up at the visor at a picture of Sindel. "I mean Sindel, I just call her Sammy sometimes."

     "You should've never started in the first place!" She rubbed her temple, "But I'm glad you straightened up for that niño. Sindel, like you, lost a lot all those years ago." I nodded as I thought about my parents for a minute.

     "I agree, but I'm better now. Anyways, Mamá Lopez, is there anything I can do for you?" She laughed at my words quietly and shook her head.

     "Not unless you can convince my hijo to give me nietos before I die is preferred." I inhaled sharply at that topic, something I never have been comfortable with. "Danielle, niño breathe, I was joking." I laughed and nodded. "I heard Sindel got accepted. How's that going?" I looked up at her with a smile.

     I cleared my throat, "It's going great. Sindle's excited, I'm excited. I'm planning to take her to her favorite Mexican restaurant and let her celebrate while I rack my brain on how to get the fees in preparation."

     She looked at me with sympathy, "Ah, the fees. Those are always some of the most difficult to deal with niño. I'm afraid to ask you how much they are since. I know fees have only increased since my hijo was in school." I nodded since it was the truth.

     "It's a lot, and even with three jobs, I can't come up with that price, but I'll find a way I also do." Mrs. Lopez looked at me with sympathy and smiled.

     "You still like wine, si?" I nodded my head since I love wine, one glass a night, sometimes three if the neighbors are performing erotic acts. "I have a friend in the wine business who requires a manager and is flexible with their schedule." I thought about it, and the opportunity is fantastic.

     I smiled and tilted my head, "Is there a possibility that you can give them my number?" Mrs. Lopez nodded as she pulled out her phone and started having issues.

     "Buen Dios, ¿por qué tenemos que lidiar con estos malditos dispositivos? ¡La tecnología destruirá este mundo si no lo haces!" I laughed a little and held out my hand offering to help her, "Yes take it please, it should be under the text message of Mr. D's Winery." I nodded as I opened up her messages.

     Even with her permission, this feels like an invasion of her privacy, but I looked in her contacts and found Mr. D's contact. Within seconds, I was looking at their messages. I forwarded the link to my phone, and my ringtone started blasting. I laugh since I know an update for my ringtones is necessary. I love Em, but Tay seems to be making some ringtone-worthy tunes.

     "What on God's green earth is that?" I laughed at her puzzlement, but it would be difficult not to know Em, but her son was more Metallica and Mushroom head.

     "Mrs. Lopez, you don't want to know you wouldn't like the music." She frowned since she was more into the lighter classical music. I looked at my phone's clock, "I'm sorry, unfortunately, I have to run, my break ended, but are we all still on this weekend at the park for the barbecue? "

     "Of course, Niño. We're surely still on for the barbecue!" I smiled, happy that we were still on for this weekend. She slowly made her way back towards where she needed to be, and I got out of my car walking back towards the market.

This job is going to be a life change. I could afford this tuition now.

     As I walked into the store, the customer who got inside before me barfed all over the floor. I dry heaved as I saw everything come out of this grown man. I nodded as I rushed past him to the supply closet to clean the mess up.

I'm calling Mr. D as soon as I get off work today.

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