hopped off the plane at LAX

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"What are you doing?" Veronica groans, trying to keep her eyes on the road as Hunk holds his camera a little too close to her face.

"Recording." He answered from the passenger seat of Veronica's Volvo SUV.


"This whole thing is pretty sketchy," Hunk stated, toying with the camera lens.

Lance pipes up from the back seat. "He's not wrong."

Veronica sighs. "Well, sorry. In situations like this, we'd go to the Vogue HQ, but we don't really have time to fly across the country to meet Pidge in New York."

"I can't believe we have to pick up and fly with Keith." Lance groans.

Hunk laughs. "He's not going alone. As suspicious as it sounds, even Keith isn't going to take that risk. It's just safer to travel in a group."

Veronica tries to explain. "We're meeting them in Burbank. Disney Studios has a vacant lot, heavily protected as Pidge really would rather not have photos of them leaked. Or- their identity revealed. I think it's reasonable at least. We need to respect that. There will be no vlogging during your meeting, -HUNK."

"Can we go to Disneyland, too?" Lance asks.

"If it'll make you stop whining like a toddler? Yes." She glances at Hunk for a moment. "Dude. Lower the camera."


"Hunk, can you double-check the flight? How are we doing on time?" Veronica sighs.

He hands the camera to Lance, pulling out his phone. "San Francisco to Burbank... an hour flight. Departure is two hours from now."

Veronica nods. "What was the address that Keith sent again?" She squints her eyes, driving slowly in the neighborhood streets, reading the house numbers carefully.

"667 Ranger Street. I think that's up ahead."

Lance peers through the camera's viewfinder, waving it around. "Hey, this is cool."

"Don't break my camera, Lance, I need the footage for evidence in case we get kidnapped and our organs are harvested." Hunk snapped.

Lance giggled. "You mean WHEN we get kidnapped and our organs are harvested."

"Behave, Lance, we're here," Veronica begged. "Hey, Kogane!"

She rolls down her window. Keith is standing right outside, he'd been waiting on his house's front lawn with his suitcase. He still lives with Takashi, even though they've both moved out of their parents' house. It's all good. Their new one is white, tall, and absolutely architecturally beautiful. All of the window panes on the front side of the house are colored glass. It almost looks like a cathedral.

Keith is telling Veronica something, but Lance ignores them, using the camera to zoom closer on Shiro. Shiro is standing in the open door threshold, sipping his tea in a bathrobe as if he were a mom matching her kid leave in the morning to ride the school bus. Lance is startled when Shiro makes direct eye contact with the camera and starts waving.

"Dude." Keith catches Lance. "Quit recording my brother. He's wearing a robe and no pants."

"Boo,'' he sighs, scooching over to make room for Keith in the back seat. Keith throws his luggage into the trunk and buckles up. Lance is leaning as far as he can towards his window, leaving maximum space between them.

"So, Keith," Veronica adjusts her overhead mirror. "Are you excited?"

He smiles. "I'm more excited about our trip to Paris. I've never been before and I've always wanted to go."

Moment in Photograph (PLANCE??? IN 2022??? NAHHHH....)Where stories live. Discover now