i'm latching onto you

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No, Pidge Gunderson is not an old man.

Or a supermodel.

Or an adult at all. Keith technically was the closest, guessing Pidge was a kid, but they appear only a little younger than Lance and Hunk.

Seated in a renovated conference room in the back offices of the Burbank Disney Studios. Only this conference room has been turned into a lounge, one locked and highly secure. Lance cannot believe his eyes, sitting right before Pidge Gunderson.

A fairly short teenage girl, oozing with a demanding presence. Frankly, kind of intimidating. Especially in the low light of the room and her sprawled sitting position. That is a person who means business. She introduced herself immediately after the gang sat down as "Pidge Gunderson, they/she, feminist photojournalist,' reclining back into their seat.

Veronica took her seat beside Pidge after shaking hands. She mentioned how they were so excited to meet after speaking over the phone. Hunk and Keith sat on either side of Lance, who couldn't help but notice how Pidge was here unaccompanied.

Discussion carried on, in a rather professional manner. The where, when, and how of the photoshoots, introductions, and courtesy compliments about each other's professional work. Only, Pidge's activism photo portfolio, Moment In Photograph, is awe-inspiring to her guests. The same vice versa. It's nearly impossible for anyone to escape Keith Kogane and Lance McClain, being household names and all. And Pidge has done their research.

Living together in Paris, France. It is just as daunting to Lance as it sounds. But soon, the project will be published and this will all be over.

Pidge squints at Lance through their pink-tinted sunglasses and catches his eye.

"You've got to be, like, 16." He murmurs.

"That's not very polite." Pidge glances over at him, crossing one of her legs over the other one.

Really, truly intimidating. Go, girl boss.

Pidge is clad in a sage green graphic t-shirt and high-waisted jeans. A black denim jacket drapes around their shoulders. Long hair in a braid down their back and grown-out bangs fluffed up around their face. Perfect rose-tinted glasses perched on their nose bridge.

She pursed her lips and made a face, examining the three boys before her. This is it: The Gloriful Vibe Check.

They're beautiful. Gorgeous features. Impeccable style. Fluffy brunette hair. Rosy lips and cheeks. Lance is too utterly terrified to notice.
Keith sits with his arms and legs crossed, averting his eyes as if to avoid being the next victim of Pidge's threatening stare.

Hunk hangs his head, simply dejected because his video camera got confiscated.

Veronica raises an eyebrow, tracing the rim of her water glass with her finger, and watching carefully.

Lance sucks in a deep breath of air, tapping his foot.

"How long have you and Keith known each other?" Pidge asks, pulling out a notepad and pen. It's giving marriage counselor vibes.

"Five years?" Lance glances at Keith. "I was twelve and he was thirteen." Pidge hums in acknowledgment, scribbling this down. Lance continues, "I was just starting out and my manager told me I had been invited to a red-carpet movie premiere. I was so nervous... this was my first time going to a formal event like that. I saw so many famous people... I thought I would faint."

He's using his famous charisma to lighten the mood, but Lance is only met with blank stares. He recoils a little, shrinking back into his seat.

Keith breaks the moment of prolonged silence. "Yeah... it was a premiere for my first film. I had been a fashion model before that. ...so."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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