Chapter 7

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Rielly made me call atv & get my job back now here I am in New York when my wife is back in LA with our daughter, a concussion, & a broken arm. Poor thing. I wish I was there. I haven't talked to Rielly in four days because I've had no service. Stupid iPhone. I hope she isn't upset with me.

Jc hasn't talked to me in four fucking days! Why? I don't know! Maybe he should actually call his wife & tell her. Jesus Christ. I hate him but I'm so in love with him too! It's crazy. "Come on Ari. It's bed time." Aria walked over to me with her pajamas in her hands. I helped her put them on & she asked, "Where's Daddy?"
"He's at work honey."
"Why haven't we talked to him?"
"I don't know honey. Let's go to bed, it's late." I took her upstairs & tucked her in. "Goodnight princess. I love you."
"Goodnight mommy. I love you too." I kissed her forehead & walked out of her bedroom. Even my 3 year old is confused. I heard my phone ring & it said "husband💋" I answered & said "Hello? Jc Caylen why haven't you called me?!"
"I'm sorry hoonei. I justh wanted to talk to you." mother fuckers drunk.
"Jc you need to head back your apartment. You're drunk."
"I am no-"
"Jc come on I wanna dance with you!!!" some chick is with my husband. My heart sank.
"Justin fucking Caylen I swear."
"Babe I got this." & he hung up. I'm getting cheated on. AGAIN. Maybe he's not cheating. I'm sick. He could possibly cheat on me. First call since he's been in New York & he is drunk. God damn Jc. Be that way. You wont expect a call from me anytime soon.

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