Chapter 9

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Jc cheated on me. My heart is broken into 1,000,000 pieces right now I can't even tend to my child so she's with her aunts. I've been in bed for the past week. Jc has been calling me non stop. But I don't care. We've been married for a month & a half. He cheated on me so soon? I don't care. I'm filing for divorce. He is such an ass. I hate to break Aria's heart, but I can't deal with him. I would try to work things our with him but it's the second time he's cheated I just can't handle this much heartache. Goodbye Jc. I love you, but it's too much for me.

I haven't gone to work in a week. I've been so sick with myself. I cheated on the love of my life. The fuck is wrong with me!? I don't deserve Rielly anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if she filed a divorce. I deserve it. I took a vow & I broke it. & the worst part is... This isn't the first time I have cheated. I'm going to hell. Rielly's never gonna forgive me. Aria will probably hate me. God I hate myself

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