Distant From God

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Like a whole journey far from home

I have lost my way

Through the paths of others

Who does not pray

My fate entrusted to them

For a feeling of excitement and joy

The same joy fueled into a gas

Gas that intoxicated me

Into things I would not do

And things I never thought of doing

The sky roars upon my tears

As I'm sitting against the brick wall

And my heart darkens as if grief was not the worst I would feel

The stars look beautiful tonight

There will be consequences, some would say

I finally understand the meaning to that phrase

Love is fake, I did not believe

Through the wrong ways I have perceived

That love was indeed fake for a moment

I shook in grief for my lost

Though I have lost nothing but my innocence and faith

For one night, they said

Just for one night let it all out to God

And so that one night I held up my hand

So many things I wanted to say

Yet only my eyes have cried

I held on to my faith

And I hope I hold on to it for as long as I live

I'll hold it as if it were my first love

I would grant him kisses on the cheek

And hugs that are ever-lasting

Give him attention for eternity

I'd call for faith in the rain

On the darkest nights and glorious days

I was distant from God

Maybe I still am

Nevertheless, faith will not leave me

for I am holding on to it so tight

if faith told me to jump I'd ask "how high?"

Our directions may be far

But our destinations be the same

I was distant from God

This is the girl I became

But I am still holding on and


Or tomorrow

I will be near

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