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~Andrew p.o.v.~
For a while we sat and talked. Stella wasn't as bad as I thought once I got to know her. "So you live with only your dad, what happened to your mom?" I asked her. "oh well um my mom was murdered when I was around 4." "oh um sorry I shouldn't have asked." she smiled. "it's alright it doesn't bother me when it probably should." She laughed slightly. We were both laying on the ground looking at the sky. "STELLA! WHERE ARE YOU!?" I heard what sounded like her friend rocky. "Andrew you have to go if rocky finds out that I saw you again he'll go nuts!" "Oh ok I guess I'll see you later." I said then turned into my wolf form. before I left I looked back at her. she smiled and waved. then I left.
~Stella p.o.v.~
Then he left. "Stella there you are! What the hell were you thinking?!" "Well I wasn't you know me rocky." He looked mad. "yes I do and that's the problem Stella. when I got back to the room and saw you were gone I knew that you wanted to train. and you wouldn't go to wash falls." damn he knew me like the back of his hand. "Stella you need to get back to the hospital. if you say no I'll pick you up and bring you there myself." I sigh and get up off the ground. Rocky tried to help me and I said "Rocky I'm fine I can walk on my own." i just realized that Andrew took my eyepatch on accident. "hey Stella where is your eyepatch?" I froze but I thought of an excuse. "uh it got caught on a branch while I was walking around." he looked at me suspicious like. "ok well let's go." Then we were off.
~Andrew p.o.v.~
I finally got back to the cave and I realized that I had Stella's eyepatch. I changed back into my human form and went in the cave. "Hm I guess not all werecats are bad." I said to no one in particular. I sat down and starred at the patch. then I herd a noise. I went up to the edge of the cave and saw a white mountain lion. I realized that it was Rocky. he saw me and charged. "ROCKY STOP!!" I herd Stella. I moved and changed into my wolf form. we stood ready to fight. I don't want to fight Stella's friend. I sat down and didn't move. "I won't fight you." I said to him. he looked shocked. Stella ran over to Rocky and and said "Rocky he's not bad ok! He showed that when he didn't kill me!" Rocky changed from his cat form and so did I. "why are you here?" He asked with bitterness. "that's non of your business!" He got more mad. "I want an answer-" "ROCKY JUST SHUT UP!!" I herd Stella say. me and Rocky are both shocked. "Stella-" "I said shut up Rocky. I've had enough of you! Maybe Andrews right you are rude and an idiot!" He was completely shocked. "Stella I've never been rude to you. You know what Stella you can just leave me alone." he said then changed into his cat form and left. stella looked shocked and mad.

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