Merge (Rhea Ripley x Male Reader)

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A Story idea i had that i ended scrapping



When y/n became a fighter he wasn't sure what was gonna happen.

He was brought up on martial arts at a young age, he had the benefits of having a parents who were well versed in martial arts, they were opposed to the idea but he managed to convince them to let him do this, and they were supporting him every step of the way.

There are so many people who sign up and put on the gloves but only a quarter of them manages to rise the ranks and make it count.

He was was one of the fortunate ones, He had the talent and the drive, starting with kickboxing and transitioning to MMA, his name now held weight but he knew it was only the beginning, he had recently been contacted by Dana White, this was it, he was about to join the UFC, but consider his surprise when he was told to join Dana on a flight to Connecticut.

To Meet With Paul Levesque, better known as Wrestling Legend Triple H, of the WWE.

He had a lot of respect for the art of wrestling, hell it was one of the key styles of MMA, and he knows theres a reason why the wwe outshined The UFC but he still didn't understand....

"So you want me to fight under both of you?" Y/n asked seated infront of Dana and Paul.

"You could put it that way." Paul nodded. " with the merger of both companies we want to show that MMA fighters and wrestlers are all under the same roof so to speak."

"Under TKO we want you to be the main event match." Dana added.

Y/n was honestly surprised "huh...i mean i Apreciate the opportunity but...aren't there otheres better qualified for a main event, Il fight anybody but im not exactly good on the mic.

Paul chuckled. " Don't worry, from what dana showed me your skill and flair in the ring more than makes up for it."

Y/n was a middle weight, but he was known to only answer questions fans or reporters might have, exchanging a few words with his opponent but that was the extent, he wasn't one to hurl insults, he got frustrated and angry when it was hurled his way like anybody but he just let it fuel him, words meant nothing when fists started flying, and he had the habit of taunting his enemies, urging them to come at him, embarrassing them for thinking they could beat him, he had been compared to Anderson silva as a result.

"And it will be the same process, conferences, weigh ins and then the match." Dana clarified

Y/n nodded feeling comfortable hearing that. "So who am I fighting?

"Marvin Vettori." Dana responded.

Y/n held in a groan, when it was leaked on twitter he was joining the ufc, he offered to be the one stop him dead in his tracks, with many more colorful words though.

"Problem?" Dana said noticing his un-enthusiastic look.

"Nah, just not looking forward to the press conference, that guy talks too much." Y/n responded shaking his head. "Is there anything else we need to cover?"

Paul just showed him the contract. " Just to read and sign."

Y/n nodded and took the paper, here it was, where he would sink or swim, he was gonna make it count.

He signed his name.

Afterwards, dana said he could stick around the building as there was gonna be a Wrestling match soon, y/n had never seen a WWE match in person so he figured it was only right to take advantage of it.

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