Let me help (Brigitte x Male Reader)

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Possible scenes for a Overwatch book that I scrapped.



Watch Point Gibraltar.

It was currently night time and y/n is currently on the base's basketball court, in a simple white shirt and basket ball shorts and black sneakers, playing casually.

Y/n jogged a bit and performed a layup, the ball bounced once before he caught it.

"What are you doing?"

Y/n turned to see who that it was his close friend comrade, and crush, Brigitte lindolm, dressed in a black shirt, sweatpants and shoes.

"Hey brig, I'm hooping last I checked." Y/n said playfully as he dribbled the ball and walked over to the right sight of the three point line.

Brigitte just shook her head. " okay let me rephrase, why are you out here by yourself?"

Y/n looked at her confused. "What's wrong with me playing by myself?" he said as he took a shot which he made.

Brigitte looked at him with a frown and her hands on her hips. " that you always playing by yourself, every time we come to play, you're nowhere to be found."

"You guys have teams set up already why but it?" Y/n said with a shrug as he picked up the ball again.

"Don't say that like you don't belong, if you actually showed you'd see your more than welcome to play, not to mention I'm sure it'd be more fun then what you're doing now." Brigitte said to her introverted friend.

Y/n still didn't see what the big deal was as he took a mid range shot. " it's really not that serious brig im just killing time." Y/n said he picked the ball once again.

Brig crossed her arms. "Really...well the reason I came is because it's movie night, me Lucio, Hana , Lena and Mei have everything set up, interested?" Brig asked though her tone suggested she already knew his answer.

Y/n paused for a moment and shook his head. " Nah I'm good." He said taking another shot, missing this time however as the ball bumped the rim and headed back in his direction.

Brigitte threw her arms up. " See! , same three words every time, why do you do that?" She said in frustration.

Y/n just shrugged. " it would just be awkward if I showed up." As he took position as the three point line again.

Brigitte just couldn't believe him " don't say that like you aren't welcome!"

Y/n just motioned for her to settle down. " look brig I'm flattered believe me but it's fine, go have a good time , I'd probably fall asleep in the middle of it anyway." Y/n said as he prepared to take another shot

Brigitte narrowed her eyes , that was a shitty excuse, plenty of them have fallen asleep during movie night and that has never stopped them from going.

Y/n shot the ball, nothing but net, however Brigitte had suddenly taken the basketball, and from y/n could see wasn't looking to pass it back to him.

"What are you doing?" Y/n asked almost amused.

"Your not getting the ball" Brigitte said firmly.

Y/n just chucked and walked over to her. " real mature brig now cmon." He said walking over to her, he reached for the ball but she moved it out of his reach, now holding it behind her.

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