Love Letter

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Chapa is sitting her house thinking about Bose and she wanted to write him a love letter to express her feelings for him

Letter: Dear, Bose I just wanted to say that you're an amazing person and I really like you I always had, I really hope you feel the same way and I'll see you later at the Man's Nest
*it gets sent to Bose*
Bose: Hm what's this?
Bose reads through the letter and his heart beats very fast he's shocked but also happy
Bose: I can't believe it Chapa Like likes me?
*later at the mans nest*
Bose comes down the tube
Bose: Hey guys
Chapa: sup dude
Miles: Hey Bose
Mika: Hi Bose
Bose: oh Uh Chapa can I talk to you for a second please?
Chapa: sure
Bose: guys leave the room if you don't mind
Mika and Miles: yeah ofc
Chapa: so.. what's up??
Bose: I saw your letter and I have to ask, is it true that you like like me?
Chapa: *blushing in embarrassment* uhhhhh maybe
Bose: Come on Sparky don't lie to me..
Chapa: fine yes I do like like you
Bose: for how long exactly?
Chapa: for awhile now...
Bose was very surprised by this and honestly he like liked her too
Bose: Chapa.. I like like you too
Chapa: Really?
Bose: of course sparky, You're amazing and sweet, cool and Your fighting style is better than Mikas
Chapa: I know it is hehe
Bose: *chuckles*
Bose moved closer to Chapa and Chapa moved closer to Bose then they kissed the moment felt so good it went on for awhile then Mika's head peaked through the door and she took a pic and of course she got caught Bose and Chapa pulled away
Chapa: *zaps mika*
Mika: ow
Bose: you just had to take a picture of us didnt you?
Mika: hehe sorry
Chapa: Delete it or I'll end you
Mika: okay okay
She deletes the picture and goes to the tube
Mika: Down the tube
Bose: nice one sparky
Chapa: thanks
Bose: Love you
Chapa: Love you too

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