Chapa admires Bose

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*Man's Nest*
Bose and Chapa are the only ones there.
Bose: Hi Chapa
Chapa: Hey Bosey
Bose: what's up?
Chapa: oh nothing just really happy to be here with you
Bose: same but where's Mika and miles?
Chapa: hmm not sure maybe they're busy today
Bose: Hm yeah anyway what do you wanna do?
Chapa: maybe we could go to Club Soda and have an awesome time there
Bose: okay should we go as our normal selfs or as Brainstorm and Volt?
Chapa: Ehhhh I think as our normal selfs
Bose: Okay but just in case something happens let's bring our gum with us
Chapa: good idea.
Bose: let's go
They walk to the tubepad
Bose and Chapa: Down the tube!
*scene switches to club soda*
Bose and Chapa are wearing the same outfits they wore in Bottle Snatchers
The man who was standing outside the place was letting people in and when Bose and Chapa walked up he stated that they looked familiar.
Chapa: Yeah we came here once with our friends but we wanted to come alone this time
Bose: yep
Man: well welcome back go right in
Bose and Chapa: thanks
The man opens the door for them and they walk in noticing a lot of people there and sit down on chairs
Bose: you look pretty
Chapa: *blushing* aww thanks and you look handsome.
Bose: Aww sparky stop
Chapa: it's true
Bose: I know
Chapa then went to the table and asked the guy for 2 drinks and he nodded then he gave Chapa the drinks and thanked him
Chapa: I got us some drinks
Bose: Sweet!
Bose and Chapa opened their drinks and took a slip of them
Bose: You know Chapa I really enjoyed this
Chapa: so do I
Bose: I have something to tell you.
Chapa: what is it
Bose: I just wanted to say I-
Just as Bose was about to tell Chapa his feelings, Mitch, and 4 other guys came in.
Bose: uh oh
Chapa: what is it?
Bose: look
Chapa looks and she sees Mitch along with 4 other guys who appear to be his criminal friends
Mitch: Everyone on the floor this is a robbery everyone gets down
Bose: We need a place to transform but there's too many people here
Chapa: we can transform outside
Bose: okay
Bose and Chapa go outside, grab their gum and transform.
Brainstorm: let's do this
Volt: yep
They walk back in
Brainstorm: Hold it right there Mitch
Mitch: Well well well if it isn't Volt and Brainfart
Brainstorm: That's Brainstorm to you
Mitch: *mocks him* that's Brainstorm to you*
Volt: *zaps him*
Mitch: ow get them boys
They charge at them and Bose lifts them up and Chapa zaps them, causing them to fall to the ground.
Mitch: Ugh I have to do everything myself *walks up to them and tries to punch them*
Volt: nice try *zaps him to the ground*
Mitch: ugh you haven't seen the last of us come on boys let's go
They all run out
Volt: nice work there
Brainstorm: thanks Sparky you too.
Volt: So what was it you were trying to tell me
Brainstorm: can we go outside because I don't want the people here to hear this
Volt: okay
They walk outside
Volt: so what is it
Brainstorm: just wanted to say I think I like you..
Volt: really?
Brainstorm: yeah *looks away*
Volt: well Bosey I like you too.
Brainstorm: You do?
Volt: yep
Brainstorm: I could kinda tell because you were flirting with me so..
Volt: I know it's because I admired you Bose I always have.
Brainstorm: Awww
Both of them took a step closer to each other and kissed the moment felt so good and then pulled away.
Brainstorm: that felt nice
Volt: yeah it did
Brainstorm: I love you Sparky
Volt: love you too Bosey
They kissed again

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