Secret Relationship gets Revealed

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This is a request from @Samxcolby16
Bose and Chapa are in a secret relationship but eventually Poopsie Founds out and tells the others okay hope you enjoy this
Bose: Hey Chapa
Chapa: Hi Bosey
They do a small kiss
Bose: how are you?
Chapa: I'm good how are you?
Bose: I'm good
They both sit down and look at each other for abit then as they were just about to kiss Poopsie entered the room
Poopsie: So.. you guys are dating huh?
Both of them look at each other and look back at Poopsie
Poopsie: Well?
Bose: No we aren't
Poopsie: Then why did it just look like you 2 were about to kiss?
Chapa: you were probably seeing things..
Poopsie: MHHHHM *walks out of the room*
Bose: Phew that was close
Chapa: yeah
Bose: now where were we?
Chapa: *chuckles*
They kiss but what they didn't know was Poopsie was watching she took a picture and sent it to everyone
*Mans Nest*
Mika: Omg...
Miles: No way
Ray: Unbelievable
Schwoz: How?
*tube alert beep*
Bose and Chapa come up from tube
Bose and Chapa: Hey guys
Mika: why didn't you tell us?
Bose: what do you mean
Schwoz: Why didn't you tell us that you 2 were DATING?
Both: Uhhhhh...
Bose: What are you talking about
Ray: Oh don't play dumb we know you 2 are dating
Bose: okay fine we are but how'd you know?
Mika: Poopsie sent a picture of you and Chapa kissing
Bose: seriously?
All: yep
Schwoz: Why didn't you guys tell us?
Chapa: because if we did we were worried you'd make fun of us
Mika: We'd never make fun of you guys in fact we're happy for you
Bose and Chapa: Really?
Ray: yeah, there's no need to be scared to tell us and Im sorry if we made you think that but you always gotta tell us things no hiding ok?
Bose and Chapa: ok
Bose: Love you Sparky
Chapa: Love you too Bosey

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