Bose's Secret

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Bose has a big secret that no one not even Chapa knows about it, but it will be revealed later on. Anyway hope you guys enjoy this chapter.
*Mans Nest*
It's just Ray, Bose and Chapa there.
Bose: Don't you guys ever get tired of doing the same thing over and over?
Chapa and Ray both nodded?
Ray: Hey isn't there a singing event thing going on at your school?
Bose: Yeah why??
Ray: Because watching people sing is entertaining and plus didn't one of you guys sign up?
Chapa: I did idk about Mika or Miles. Bose you signing up for it?
Bose: Maybe I am, maybe I'm not you'll find out when it starts later today *walks to tubepad* Down the tube!
Chapa and Ray both look at each other then just shrug.
*scene switches to Swellview Junior High*
All kids are getting ready for big singing tournament thing and it's about to start in like a few minutes.
*few seconds later*
It became and the first kid started to sing but it was completely off key everyone looked at him with weird looks on their face. It was Chapas turn and as usual she sang beautifully she literally had a voice of an angel.
The event continued to going on and everyone else sang but there was one more person who had to sing and That was Bose O'Brien himself. He gets on stage and starts singing and to everyone's surprise he has a really good singing voice. It even shocked Chapa cause her jaw dropped hard. After it was over everyone started to clap and Bose came off the stage walking towards Chapa.
Everyone had left btw and it was just Bose and Chapa there still.
Chapa: Wow Bose, That was Amazing!!
Bose: You really think so?
Chapa: Yeah I didn't know you could sing that well or even sing at all.
Bose: It's a secret that I've kept from everyone for a long time I waited for the right time to reveal it and I thought now was the perfect time. 
Chapa: Well Bose I'm just gonna say this, It was also kinda hot.
Bose blushed.
Bose: Aww Sparky Stop *looks away*
Chapa: It's true.
Bose turned his head back to look at Chapa again then both of them already knew what they wanted to do next, they closed their eyes and kissed. It was very nice and honestly Bose needed it because of how well he did they pull away. And smiled at each other.
Bose: I love you Chapa.
Chapa: I love you too Bosey.
I bet you guys were surprised, anyway I really hope you liked this chapter. Have a good evening. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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