Matrix Conflict Era: Duo

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Bolten and Vyktor were already sent out by Sin's orders to the other Grand Sphere. Dedarus and Ivteus stood by me while I stood with Helvelion readying a device that was a gift from Dralton himself. The Crimson Emperor eyed me, he knew that I was tense. Three hundred Arch Pontiffs had their Kaliburs unsure of what we were going to face when I knew that I was going to see Morgantz again. I also understood that whatever he has control of in that Grand Sphere would be used against the First Dominion. When sin finally exited with a shimmer, The First Crimson Emperor let out a breath picking up his goblet of Nightingale Mead. His vocals echoed 

“Those who stand with Ascendia and I, Know that this will bring glory to the First Dominion. No matter the cost. No matter what we sacrifice, remember. Fate guides us, but we are always more than what we see ourselves! We are one! We are a people unified by strength and soul!, Animae sunt purae… no one will Cadere a puritate… when the Moonlit Paradox is full… or full of rubies…! “ Helvelion took a breath after the three hundred roared seeking the glory he spoke. I saw this moment, as something else. I raised my goblet of emerald diamonds up before downing it following the First Crimson Emperor's motion. I still remember the faces. Before the helms folded over with the Crimson visors matching the greatness and the Majesty of Helvelion. Hyperion held that same aura, my loyalty was unyielding. I shifted my sight towards his Majesty. 

“Ready for the horn, your Majesty? “I knew Sin was listening. Helvelion gave a nod with a smile, the wolf skulled motif of his helm folding over his head with a radiant shine of ruby and blood red. Next thing I knew was appearing in a flat piece of land near a mountain. I moved my gaze upward. Two silhouettes of the auras… Anarchy and Sin… both a side of a coin. Dralton spat his sizzling hatred out like a flame 

“You are nothing more than a murderer and you must be judged! “ Anarchy cackled with his venom spraying 

“Oh shut it Galaxia! You're no better than I am. You have your pawns and pieces, I have mine… you're a hypocrite… “Dralton let his rage echo 

“In that case! You will fall by those words, you fucking beast! You filthy fucking thing!” Their words alone made the clouds darken yet the clouds alone had a blood color with the sun and moon sitting on the silhouette of the mountain, howls echoed through the field. Helvelion raised his hand sensing someone. Was that a Raven by what I felt by the thorned tendrils from the aura. I aimed my eyes to my left. His hair was an abyss his soul alone was amber with a scarlet around the rim but the tentacles pulsated to the iris. He gave a smile running his left hand through his hair 

“Name is Seax Raven…shall we all fight like wolves aye? “His question caught his Majesty by surprise with his reply only being 

“Let us fight like wolves then…” I gave him a sweet expression. He gave a wink and some humor “Learn to ease up fair lady…” blood flooded my face. He gave a chuckle before aiming his curved blade towards the Xenos in front of the three hundred and two. “Enemies of Sin and nothing more. Billions stand against us. Let us show them how we speak. Upon the edge and the sharpness of our soul… we are Entropy… “Helvelion gave a nod. I followed the movement with my own. Seax this Raven Of Bellum. Not Destruction moved like Vyktor though he was respectable. His Majesty stepped out in front of the ranks raising his Kalibur 

“SKOL! “The others roared “SKOL!!! “ Seax's smile twisted as his eyes shifted to a bright scarlet. One of the Xenos eyed me. What I thought was that he had windows but he didn't. I saw nothing from the visor but the Xeno had an aura. Helvelion took a stance with his Kalibur held tight, I stepped into a stance beside his Crimson Majesty. The Xeno spoke towards him and I 

“Tell me, what do you invaders want? The Omykren Imperium doesn't take kindly to invasions… “The Crimson Emperor replied with defiance in his pattern 

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