Test Dummy For Gizmo 13

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Ralph the Security Guard crept quietly inside the hallways of the Chairman of the Board's office building. He pressed his back close to the blue hallway walls, and peered around the corner to see if anyone was around. So far he had not seen a single soul. Unfortunately, stealth was not one of Ralph's major characteristics. His black shoes clanked loudly against the hardwood floor. His heavy breathing was terribly audible against the normal silence of the hallways. He accidentally breezed past a few pictures frames and plants, knocking them over with his large gut. Ralph however, still managed to reach his destination without being detected. In front of him lied five vending machines. All except one of them were listed with the signs "Out of Order" The only one that was still operating was reserved specifically for the Chairman of the Board. Ralph quickly trotted over to the single operating machine. He gazed at the treats inside with a large smile. On the bottom rows of the machine were candy bars, next ones above them were the sodas, after that were the chips, and finally on top were the pastries. His large eyes happily locked on a slice of banana pie as he reached for some change in his pocket. Ralph had just enough money to pay for it. He quickly put the money in the machine. He pressed two buttons, L and 7, and watched the pie slice slid gently down to the bottom. As soon as the slice hit the bottom, he reached inside and swiftly snatched it up. Just as he turned around to leave, he suddenly locked into the glaring eyes of the C.E.O of Warner Bros., Thaddeus Plotz. Ralph let out a scream before falling backward on his bottom.

"I knew it! You have been sneaking desserts from my vending machine again!" Plotz accused pointing his finger at him. "Duh, how'd ya know it was me?" Ralph asked innocently. "What kind of fool do you take me for?" Plotz growled. Ralph scratched his head as he got up. "I don't know. How many kinds are there?" Ralph responded. The frustrated C.E.O face palmed at his response. "Don't play dumb! You're too much of a natural to fake it. I heard your footsteps from my office!" said Mr. Plotz. Ralph turned around to see a pair of brown double doors that lead directly into his office. "Plus we recently had security cameras installed and you were caught on all of them!" Plotz added while holding a small video tape. Ralph looked down at the ground with a guilty face. "Ralph, have you no shame?!" Mr. Plotz scolded him as he snatched the pie slice from his hand. "Lunchtime had ended 15 minutes ago! You know you are not supposed leave your post before or after break time! Ralph, how many times do I have to tell you this…?" Ralph stared down at his shoes in shame as Plotz continued to yell at him. The subject of this conversation was nothing new. Three times before, Ralph had been reprimanded by Plotz about the same issue. Only difference was that the other times it happened he was suspected of doing it, this time he was caught in the act. "Time is money and I'm not going to lose money! You better not let me catch you here again, or else it won't just be the machine you will banned from here! Understand?!" The crushed pie slice was now oozing out of Mr. Plotz 's clenched fist. "Yes" Ralph replied sadly as he watched Plotz pass through the double doors that lead back to his office.

Ralph silently sulked back to the station at front gate where he was working. His stomach was rumbling the entire trip back. "So much for the extra snacks" he thought to himself. It just didn't seem fair. He had already eaten lunch beforehand. He couldn't help it if he wanted a little more after his lunch break was over. Now he was banned from the vending machine, and nothing to fill his craving. He would have protested to Plotz earlier if he wanted to. But of course even Ralph knew that would be a stupid decision, even for him. A hollow creaking sound interrupted his train of thought as he passed by the Warner's shiny yellow water tower on his way back. The door was ajar creaking back and forth. He could see a large paper note posted on the door that read "back in 3 weeks". Ralph remembered that the Warner's were still out on vacation. A few days earlier Ralph had his usual chase with the Warner's around the movie lot. The trio giggled as they wore Hawaiian shirts and carried small brief cases. He followed them as they zipped up the ladder of the water tower. As soon as Ralph reached the door, a giant red rocket blasted out of the door making him lose his balance and fall to the ground. He could still hear Yakko's voice trailing off in a distance. "Next stop, Rio De Janeiro…!"

Ralph looked at the base of the tower to see a number of items scattered all over the ground. "This stuff must have come from the tower" he thought to himself. Several items such as clothes prop gags, magazines, and food littered the ground. As he moved closer to the mess on the ground, he jumped back to the sound of an old car horn he stepped on. He looked down to see a shiny gold plate near the horn. He picked up the plate and saw that it had a single red button in the center, and a label that read "Wakko's Gizmo #13" Ralph knew about Wakko's small fascination of inventing things, so he figured it was probably built to do something zany or chaotic. But he decided to let his curiosity get the better of him and gingerly pressed the red button on the gizmo. The plate rumbled and sparked until a cream pie instantly appeared on the plate. Ralph's mouth instantly watered at the sight of the desert. He took a couple of big bites out of it to see if it was edible. The pie tasted just as creamy and sweet as he expected it. Suddenly a rare thing happened to Ralph, he had an idea. Instead of relying on Mr. Plotz's vending machine for extra snacks, why not just use Wakko's gizmo? He pondered this idea as he finished off the rest of the pie. This gizmo didn't cost money, could easily be put away for later usage, and the treats were much tastier. As Ralph walked off, he wondered if he was really stealing Wakko's item. He quickly pushed that idea out of his head and figured he was simply borrowing it. He would put it back where he found it long before the Warner's ever found out he took it. Ralph grinned at his own reasoning. The sound of honking horns brought him back to reality as he turned to see 3 cars at the entrance gate and no one at the station to run it. It was time to return to his main priority, doing his job. Ralph put the gizmo underneath his arm and quickly rushed over the station to let the angry drivers pass.

Well there you go! Hope you liked it! Chapter 2 will be coming very soon!

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