Chapter 2

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Ralph spent the rest of the afternoon continuing with his daily routine. He raised the entrance gates for those who were coming in and out of Warner Bros. Studios. It would have been a normal uneventful Monday afternoon had he not have found Wakko's desert making gizmo. Every 2 hours, Ralph would press the red button on the plate to receive another pie. Each time he pressed the button, he got a different kind each time. There were so many flavors to choose from, such as; blueberry, lemon meringue, pumpkin, and cherry. There was even Ralph's favorite, meringue split, a banana cream pie topped with extra bananas, and chocolate and caramel sauce. He multi tasked by gobbling and munching down the deserts in between times cars came through the gate. It happened often to the point where some of the people coming in and out noticed white cream around his mouth and on his shirt. As soon as Ralph noticed this himself, he quickly wiped the stuff off him. "What if Mr. Plotz had caught me looking like that?" he thought to himself. He would no doubt assume that he had been at the vending machine again and possibly fire him for it. Ralph realized he had to be careful if he didn't want Plotz to ever find out what was going on. At the end of day, Ralph lifted up the security gate one last time so Mr. Plotz could pass through. He was driving in his new black Cadillac. "See you later Ralph" said Mr. Plotz sounding much calmer than he was earlier. "Say, No hard feelings about earlier today huh?" he asked sympathetically. This was one of those rare times Mr. Plotz decided to be somewhat considerate of Ralph's feelings. "None at all boss" Ralph proudly responded. "In fact from now on you will never see me abandon my post for more deserts, ever again. You can count on it!" He saluted by raising his left hand towards his head, knocking off his cap. Mr. Plotz smiled at this response. "Good, now that's what I like to hear. Just remember that an efficient worker leads an efficient company. I'm only hard on you because I care" said Mr. Plotz as he drove off. Ralph glanced down at the gold-plated disc in his right hand with envy. He hated that he was lying to his boss, but it was worth it to keep this treasured item a secret.

Tuesday played out like Monday. However, Ralph was a little more refined in his eating habits this time around. Instead of pigging out like he did yesterday, today he took quick cleaner bites. The pies were still just as tasty as before. There were different flavors this time around such as, chocolate, key lime, sweet potato, and custard. Somehow he was able to get the meringue split again. Maybe it was Wakko's favorite, he thought to himself. For some odd reason now, when he pressed the button on the golden gizmo, two pies appeared stacked on top of each other instead of one. Ralph's mouth gaped at the sight of this discovery. "I love thing!" Ralph said out loud. The gizmo's experience was even better than before. He hadn't even touched his lunchbox lying at his feet. Why would be bother using it when he had something much better at his disposal?

However, Wednesday and Thursday played out much differently than Tuesday. The gizmo became much harder to use. On Wednesday, the button had become very sensitive. Anytime Ralph lightly tapped the button, whether it was intentional or unintentional, a stack of 3 to 5 pies appeared on the plate; ready to slide off. It became more of a hassle to contain the deserts, no less eat them. Ralph had to switch between eating the pies, while putting the ones he hadn't eaten yet on the floor, and somehow how keep the booth clean and tidy. In the end he spent more time fiddling with the pies than actually eating them. In fact Ralph was starting to get sick of them. After consuming all of pies he started feeling a small aching in his stomach. On Thursday, the gizmo's troubles amplified. This time, the pie stacks doubled height. In order to keep the booth organized, he stacked the slippery pies on top of each other in the two corners of the booth. Managing the pies became a huge distraction to his job. Lines of 3 cars would start forming at the gate. As soon as he finished stacking up the pies, he would reach his messy hand over to the lever to rise the gate up. Every now and then if someone at the gate asked about the pies in his booth, Ralph would reply by saying "The Girl Scouts was giving these away for charity!" The observers usually gave him odd looks and sometimes a quick "Glad you're supporting the youth" before they drove off. By the afternoon, the lever was coated with whipped cream. He had two leaning towers of pies towering over him. The lunch in his lunchbox seemed much more appealing at this point. Ralph sat down looking at the gold-plated gizmo with a sour face. He was getting frustrated that this treasure was becoming a huge pest. As much as Ralph hated to admit it, he knew it wasn't right for him to have taken it in the first place. He had to go and put it back where he found before he got in more trouble. As soon as he got out of the booth to go return it, the towers of pie fell down inside. Ralph face palmed at his huge blunder before he spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning up the booth. Returning it would have to wait.

Later on that evening, Ralph laid inside the booth completely exhausted after the clean-up job. He immediately got to his feet when he saw Mr. Plotz, who still had no idea about the gizmo, in his car approaching the gate. When he pulled up, he noticed some white cream around Ralph's face. "What's that stuff doing on your face?" Plotz asked quizzically. Ralph was quickly alarmed at this realization as he picked up an old razor that was in the booth. "Uh, shaving cream. I've been shaving sir" Ralph responded quickly. "Ah, Good. You remembered to freshen up for Silver Stevenson's birthday tomorrow" said Mr. Plotz. Ralph was relived to know he dodged a bullet there, but Plotz's extra news gave him another shock. "Uh, Yeah" Ralph nodded trying to hide nervousness. He had completely forgotten that tomorrow night Mr. Plotz would be throwing a birthday party for Silver Stevenson, one of the biggest movie directors from England. Plotz held it solely so he could persuade him to form a movie deal with Warner Bros. All the employees at Warner Bros. were invited to come. And by invited, he declared that it was mandatory for everyone to come or else they would lose their month's payment. "It's very important that all of us give a good impression on him if we want him to sign up." he added. "By the way, I'm proud of you for sticking to your promise you made earlier this week. In fact I didn't even bother to check the security cameras today. Except the one above us since that one isn't working." Ralph looked up at a street light and saw a camera attached to it. Ralph froze at the sight of it realizing how close he could come to being busted. "See you later Ralph" said Plotz as drove off. "See ya" said Ralph as his eyes was still fixed on the camera. He felt like dirt knowing that his boss congratulated him for something he didn't even try to do. He looked down and held up the golden plate with a guilty face. "Tomorrow, I'm putting you right back where I founded you." he spoke with determination.

That's all for now! Stay tuned for chapter 3 for when a few certain you know who's will make their appearance.

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