Chapter 4

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Ralph screamed as he breezed down a number of hallways throughout Mr. Plotz's office building. He huffed and puffed as he looked behind him to see his pursuers. Wakko was right behind him. He ran on all fours like a cheetah chasing his prey. Behind Wakko was Yakko and Dot, following them in a small green ranger. "Faster, he's gaining on him" said Dot. Yakko put on an explorer hat. "Don't worry sis, I'm going catch up to the little shielas "he spoke in an Australian accent. "You need to work on your Steve Irwin impressions" Dot spat critically. "Hey I'm tired what do ya want from me?" Yakko snapped back. Wakko was getting closer to Ralph. At one point he pounced, barely missing him. The four runners continued the chase throughout several floors in the building. The vehicles Yakko and Dot were in changed on each floor. On one floor it was a police cruiser, it was a chariot with Wakko holding the reins two floors above that, it was sports car three floors under that one, and finally a two seat bicycle on the main floor. Ralph was starting to wonder how many floors were in this building.

The Warner's were literally inches away from Ralph now. He was starting to run out of breath very quickly. A distraction would have been very helpful for him right about now. Then he remembered Wakko's gizmo underneath his suit jacket. He took out the gizmo and pressed the red button. He took the three pies that appeared on the plate and threw them at all the Warner's. One blueberry pie hit Wakko in the face. This stopped him momentarily, but he quickly resumed chasing him. The other two pies missed Yakko and Dot as they dodged both of them. "Missed us!" Dot called out teasingly. Ralph created another round of pies to throw at them. This time around, Wakko dodged two of the pies while one cherry red pie splattered in both Yakko and Dot's faces. Dot let out an angry shriek that resonated down the hallway. Ralph kept making and throwing more pies until he had created a trail of splattered pies and cream behind him. This made it easier for the Warner's to trail him in the buildings labyrinth of hallways and rooms. Eventually the bike the two Warner's were on started to slip and slide against the slimy floor. Both of them slid and crashed into a wall as Wakko and Ralph turned a corner. Ralph took another sharp corner and hid behind the line of vending machines that he hadn't visited in a while. Wakko passed him completely as ran he down the hall and turned another corner. Ralph rested his back by Mr. Plotz's vending machine as he looked at Wakko's gizmo. He felt terrible know that this all started just because he wanted some extra snacks. Now he was knee-deep in trouble being pursued by same guys he chased all the time.

A loud metallic munching sound roused Ralph's attention. He turned around to see Wakko munching on top of the vending machine. He had bitten off pieces of the machine just above where Ralph's head was. Ralph yelped as he ran off again. The chase resumed. He heard Wakko behind him say "Sorry Dingo and Knotts". Before Ralph could remember that he was talking about the bee hives he found earlier, his vision suddenly went dark. He felt the stinging and buzzing of the bees around him as he tried to take the hives off. Ralph momentarily forgot he was still holding the gizmo as he took off the hives. He accidentally activated the gizmo, causing 3 pies to deploy at his feet. Ralph screamed as he slid down another hallway and into a mechanical room. As soon as he entered the room, he immediately collided into a low pipe. He blacked out briefly before regaining conscious. "Pretty Stars" Ralph's voice slurred as he literally saw stars. He came fully back into focus as he saw a glaring Wakko staring down at him. Ralph got up with a brief yelp and ran further into the massive room. The room was filled different sized pipes, furnaces, and control panels. Ralph traveled up a flight of stairs to a catwalk that dangled above a massive open pipe. It turned out to be a dead-end. Wakko was closing in on him still growling. Wakko and Dot and came up the stairs behind him. "Wakko, calm down!" Yakko demanded. Dot was fiddling with her stained pink bow. "Can't this wait till tomorrow,I gotta wash this pie gunk out of my hair!" Dot complained. Wakko didn't seem to hear them, he was too focused on the man who stole from him and broke his trust. Ralph decided there was no use running anymore. "Alright I'm sorry Wakko" Ralph confessed. "I had found it at the bottom of the tower; I had just wanted some free deserts! I figured since it was on the ground and you weren't here and, everything got out of hand! I shouldn't have done this to you! Gah, I can be so stupid sometimes!" He pounded at his head with his fist "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" He barely paid any attention to Dot who whispered to her older brother "Wow, Ralph is calling himself stupid for once?" Wakko was no longer angry at him. He stood in front Ralph with a stunned face. His expression softened up as he walked forward and hugged Ralph. Ralph did not expect this reaction. "What are you doing? Aren't you angry at me?" he asked. "Oh Ralph, I can't stay mad at you. I like too much to do that. I know you didn't mean to do it" said Wakko. He heard Yakko mutter to Dot, "And I thought you had serious mood swings".

Ralph without hesitation took the gold plate out of his pocket and gave it to Yakko. "Here, this is yours. It's been nothing but trouble for me" Ralph replied. "Faboo!" Wakko said cheerfully. "This is the gizmo I wanted to test out tonight. Now I can…" Before he could finish his sentence, he slipped on one of Ralph's gooey foot prints and the gizmo fell out of his hand. It fell into the large open pipe underneath them. "Oh- no!" Ralph and Wakko called out in unison. They could hear the plate beeping rapidly inside the hollow pipe. Suddenly a creamy slime of pie mixture became visible and was about to ooze out of the pipe. Wakko being the quick thinker he was, pulled out a large bottle cork and plugged up the pipe. "That was close" Ralph said relived. Suddenly the entire room started shaking and shuddering. Pipes all over the room began oozing more of the pie based slime. "The place is gonna blow!" Wakko yelled alarmed. He turned to his siblings. "You two hold down the main controls, I'll battle the pipes" he added bravely. Ralph, Yakko, and Dot quickly ran down the stairs. Yakko and Dot sat down at a control panel and started pressing several buttons and levers. Wakko started climbing on the pipes, sealing up all the cracks and openings. He used a variety of items such as; neckties, bow ties, silly putty, old towels, school glue, old shoes, balloons, and socks. Wakko was moving so fast, Ralph could barely see what he was doing. Finally he stopped in the middle of the room with a panicked face. "I don't what else to plug up these pipes with!" Wakko yelled. A light bulb appeared over his head. "Wait! I know! "Wakko zipped past Ralph. Ralph turned around to see Wakko tying what appeared to be some long black clothing around a large pipe into a neat bow tie. Suddenly the rumbling in the room had stopped.

Wakko leaped from the pipe over to where Yakko and Dot were standing. "We rerouted the flow of the pipes so the slime along with gizmo will exit out in an alternate location" Yakko spoke wearing a pair of eyeglasses. "Huh?" Ralph exclaimed. He had no idea what Yakko just told him. "In other words, room no go boom. Wakko will get his gadget somewhere else." Dot summarized. "Well said sibs" said Yakko. "And to think this was something you would have had to pay money to get done!" he added. Ralph stared at the smiling trio. "Gee guys, I don't know what to say" Ralph spoke up. "Oh there's no need to thank us, were just here to help out." Wakko replied happily. Yakko rested his hand on his shoulder. "But Uh…. I think you will need to know what to say when Plotz asks why you have been gone for so long" said Yakko. Ralph gasped. He totally forgot about the party. "Oh, gosh I got to get back to the dining room!" Ralph spoke as he ran towards the door. Just before he headed out the door, he turned back to see the Warner's giggling to themselves. Ralph still felt a little guilty and wondered why they let him off so easy. "You sure you guys aren't still mad at me? Not even you Wakko?" he asked. Wakko laughed at that question. "Of course not! We Warner's don't hold grudges" he answered. "At least not usually" Yakko muttered pointing at Dot. "What's that supposed to mean?" Dot angrily asked her brother. Ralph left the room just as Yakko and Dot started arguing and bickering about who held grudges. He couldn't help but feel a cool breeze around his legs as he ran towards an elevator that would give a shortcut back to the dining room.

Well everything seemed to work out in the end for Ralph so far. But it's not over yet! Have the Warner's finished up for the night or do they still have more trick up their sleeve How did the rest of the party turn out? Heads up guys! The last chapter will be coming very soon!

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