Chapter 5

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The trip up to the dining room was 2 floors up. Ralph came out of elevator just as its doors opened up. He ran down towards the dining room entrance which was at the end of the hallway. While Ralph was relieved that the Warner's forgave him for taking the gizmo, he still felt something was off. It wasn't the belly pain he was still feeling. It was like there was something big about to happen that he still wasn't aware about. Whatever it was it had to wait till later. Right now he had to get back to the party. Considering how slow and boring the party seemed to him, he assumed he hadn't missed much. He pushed through the double doors only to be taken aback at what laid inside.

At first glance, the room appeared to be exactly the way he left it. The first thing Ralph noticed was that it was very humid and warm inside the dining room. Most of the people around the room had taken off their suit jackets. Others were fanning themselves with small fans and menus. Those that were standing closest to Ralph looked at him with confusion or began to laugh. "What's so funny?"he thought to himself. Mr. Plotz was storming at him with a furious face. What did he do wrong this time? "Ralph, you agreed you were only going to take the Warner's home right?" Plotz asked in a calm but tense voice. "Uh, Yeah" Ralph responded. "Okay, then explain to me why it took you over half an hour to do that? Why did our guests keep hearing yelling and footprints over the music?" Plotz asked with an angry tone. Ralph figured he must have overheard the chase sequence he had with Warner's earlier. When did he get so good at hearing things? "The Warner's weren't as tired as I thought they were." Ralph answered innocently. "Oh that's just great!" Plotz spat before he pointed a finger at him. "And why is your suit dirty?! Is that cream I see on your shirt?!" he added with increasing intensity. Ralph stammered as he glanced down to see his shirt and suit jacket stained with pie from earlier. Plotz briefly looked down and then covered his eyes. "And where are your pants? He asked frustrated. Ralph suddenly realized what was that black piece of clothing Wakko used to tie around the last pipe. Sure enough he looked down to see he was standing in his white boxers shorts with red hearts on. Ralph's face turned red in embarrassment as he replied "Wardrobe Mu- Malfunction!" Things were going south fast. "'And why is suddenly hotter than July in here, when it's in the middle of March?!" Plotz continued. "Uhh, Summer Madness?" Ralph responded stupidly. He really couldn't think of what to say to that. "Gah I can't believe this! Something must be wrong with the AC. It feels like this place is about to blow up in any minute!" Plotz complained. Ralph suddenly remembered what the Warner's said about rerouting the pie slime. He looked up in horror to see all the air vents were bulging out with pie slime. Something was going to blow up alright, he thought to himself. He barely heard Plotz still yelling at him. "Ralph! Are you listening to me?! What are you looking…?" Plotz saw what Ralph was looking at and gasped loudly. The vents exploded with a loud "BOOM!"

The entire room was covered with splattered pies and cream. The temperature had receded back to normal. All of party guests were coated with a thin layer of cream and custard. Mr. Plotz emerged from a pile of pie slime and started marching towards him. "Ralph!" Plotz yelled at him, now red in the face. Ralph flinched as he was certain he was going to get an earful and possibly lose his job. "Hey Plotz, over here!" a familiar voice interrupted. Ralph and Plotz turned around to see both Stevenson the director and Wakko with pies in their hands. Ralph noticed Wakko was standing on top of his golden gizmo "Think fast!" Stevenson added as the two hurled their pies at them. Plotz was hit by two cream pies while Ralph dodged his two. The pies hit two other guests behind him. The guests retaliated by throwing pie slime back in their direction. Stevenson and Wakko ducked as the two pies hit Hello Nurse right behind them. Dr. Scratchensniff who was sitting next to her started laughing loudly. Hello Nurse then angrily grabbed an apple pie from Stevenson's table and smashed it in his face. "Pie Fight!" Wakko yelled as he raised his gizmo in the air.

Ralph yelped as pies started flying all over the room. He moved away from Stevenson's table and further into the mayhem the Warner's had created. What should have been a formal event, ended up looking like a scene from a Three Stooges film. The violinists were no longer playing, as they were batting away at several pies hurled at them with their instruments. Around the same time, Dot and Yakko came on stage as a two piece band. Dot was on turn tables while Yakko was on a double necked electric guitar. They played an instrumental rock song that sounded very similar to the Beastie Boys hit song," Fight for Your Right". Wakko began tossing pies like flying saucers towards the other tables. These were immediately picked up by anybody, and tossed at the next un-lucky victim. The mime, who had recovered from his spotlight injury, was pretending to open an invisible umbrella. He was mercilessly pelted with banana cream and cherry pies. Mr. Director was cowering behind an overturned table. He squealed in his Jerry Lewis like voice, "Oy! Hey please, enough with the pies, and the throwing, and..." A chocolate mousse pie to the face cut him off.

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