Chapter 3

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Friday went by very quickly. This day was usually one of Ralph's busier days. Workers along with guests and actors passed in and out the gate constantly. As a result, Ralph couldn't leave to return Wakko's gizmo right away. In the meantime however, Ralph hardly touched it at all today. Eating only the lunch from his lunchbox after 4 days of gorging desserts was very refreshing. It was time he followed up on his word instead of lying about it. He felt pretty good about himself, a welcome change compared to how he felt all week. Of course he still felt the small stomach ache in his stomach." It will go away soon" he thought to himself. Soon enough, evening had already come and it was time for Ralph to get dressed for the party.

The party was in the new dining room in Mr. Plotz's office building. Ralph's normal blue uniform was replaced with a black suit. The black suspenders for his pants were stretched to their zenith across his light purple shirt. A red bow tie rested on his shirt collar underneath his chin. Ralph stood against a wall as he looked at the crowd of employees and guests conversing among each other. Mr. Plotz and the director Silver Stevenson were talking to each other at a table in the center of the room. Mr. Plotz did most of the talking. He kept complementing and persuading Stevenson to form a new movie deal. In his right hand appeared to contract in which he was patiently waiting for him to sign. Ralph looked around to see if he could find any familiar faces. He could see Dr. Scratchensniff and Hello Nurse sitting down at the far right of the room. Both of them were talking about how they would rather work with some patient's right about now. On the far left was the mine who was entertaining a small unimpressed crowd. Behind the mime was a small stage accompanied by four violinists playing classical music. The musicians played slowly and droned on for what seemed like hours. In the middle of the crowd, Mr. Director was entertaining another small group of guests. His usual high energy Jerry Lewis like outbursts that he was known for, were kept to a minimum tonight. Ralph turned back to the center table to see that Plotz, who appeared to be the only upbeat person in the crowd, was still talking to Stevenson. Stevenson acted polite and gave a quick smile now and then, but he seemed totally disinterested in anything that was going on.

Ralph may not have been the brightest bulb in the world, but even he knew that the long face on Stevenson summed up everyone's feelings in the room, total boredom. Ralph couldn't blame him, where were all the streamers, balloons, and cake that you see at a normal party? Then he remembered of course that this was a "formal" party, not a "fun" party. And Mr. Plotz didn't do anything related to the word "fun". The party was so boring it was literally starting to put Ralph to sleep. The quiet classical music was not helping at all. He immediately woke himself back up, remembering Plotz would scold him if he caught him sleeping. Besides, the party would be over in an hour. He flipped open his suit jacket to show the gizmo underneath his arm. Once the party was over, then he would go return the gizmo to the Warner's tower.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sudden dim of the lights. A drum roll was heard somewhere as a spotlight appeared on the now empty stage. "Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!" a familiar perky voice was heard. "Oh-no" Ralph spoke to himself. "Live from Burbank, California! It's you know who!" the voice continued. Three figures bounced on stage, they were last creatures Ralph wanted to see tonight. It was the Warner's waving to the crowd dressed in their casual attire. Yakko, the eldest sibling of the trio way was holding a microphone "Hello Everybody!" It turned out it was his voice that he heard earlier. Dot was blowing kisses to the crowd. Wakko was waving with his right arm as he balanced himself off the ground with his tail. Ralph glanced over at Mr. Plotz who was fuming to point where it looked like he was about to have an aneurysm. This was impossible! The Warner's weren't due back for a few weeks. "Are you guys ready to party?!" Yakko yelled holding a fist in the air. The crowd cheered with enthusiasm. Finally, at least the Warner's zany antics would keep this party interesting. All three of the Warner's suddenly hunched over as bags appeared under their beady eyes. "Well Uh… were all very tired so it's going to have to wait till tomorrow "Yakko spoke with drained energy. They trudged off the stage as the lights came back on. The spotlight fell down and crushed the mime in front of them. Everyone looked at them with confused reactions. The Warner's didn't want to join a party? Mr. Plotz, whose temper had immediately vanished, came towards them. "You mean you're not going to ruin the party?" Plotz asked hopefully. "No you beat us to the punch on that one" Yakko retorted. Dot let out a huge yawn. "Besides, our trip to Rio really wore us out." Dot spoke up. "That and Wakko got the hives" she added pointing a finger at his brother. Wakko was holding up two bee hives in his hands. "I'm naming this one Dingo and the other one Knottz" Wakko responded, not sounding tired at all. "Turns out Brazilians are bigger party animals then we are" said Yakko. "But all we want to do is go home" he yawned. Mr. Plotz still looked somewhat confused at this news. "Uh, very well then. Ralph escort these three back to their tower." Plotz commanded. Ralph started to breakout in a cold sweat. "Uh, Sure thing boss" Ralph responded nervously. As the Waners walked toward Ralph, Wakko gave a quick look at Stevenson. "By the way, Happy Birthday Mr. Stevenson! We would like to sing Happy Birthday but copyright laws won't allow it." Wakko commented. Stevenson gave a quick smile at that humorous gesture.

Ralph walked the trio to the door as Wakko was complaining to his other siblings. "But I'm not tired Yakko!" he whined. "I want to test out my newest creation tonight." Ralph grew more nervous when he mentioned the word "creation". These three were the last people he wanted around to try to give the gizmo back. "Well too bad, your outnumbered 2 to 3. Besides it can wait till tomorrow" said Yakko. Ralph stood in front of the door, blocking the Warner's paths. "Are you sure you guys don't want to stay? I'll chase you around like normal" Ralph protested. The three Warner's looked at him puzzled reactions before letting out a group "Aww…" Now isn't that nice, Ralph wants us to stay" Yakko responded sweetly. " Uh, Yeah. You don't have to go to the tower now. We can hang around the studio if you would like" Ralph responded desperately. Dot hopped up and embraced his head. "It's cute how you think that will work on us" Dot answered with a smile. "Yeah save that for the masters" said Yakko jutting his thumb at his chest. "You're not hiding anything from us are you?" he asked. Before Ralph could answer, Dot cut him off. "Of course not! You wouldn't deceive us sweet little children!" "But you guys aren't children!" said Ralph. "Yeah but we are children at heart, so that counts!" Yakko retorted. Wakko hugged Ralph's leg as he looked up at him. "Besides, we know our special friend wouldn't do a thing like that! Would you?" he spoke trustfully. "Uh, No." Ralph croaked, hiding his guilt. "Come on big fella! Let us leave! "Wakko said teasingly as he playfully pounded at Ralph's gut. The pounding caused Ralph to lose his grip on the gold-plated gizmo which fell to the floor. He swiped it up before the Warner's could see it, but it was too late. "What that underneath your jacket?" Dot asked as she hopped off Ralph's head. "Nice gold plate! Is it a trophy?" Yakko asked. "It kinda looks like Gizmo number 13"said Wakko who was no longer smiling. Ralph's heart started racing as he said, "No it's a trophy like your brother said." He quickly slide the disc back underneath his arm, it was a big mistake. By accident he mashed the red button again causing two pies to fall at his feet. Ralph's mouth gaped at his blunder. "Kind of a messy trophy isn't it?" Dot asked with her arms crossed. Wakko was now growling with his teeth and fists clenched. "That's because it's my gizmo!" he angrily replied. "You stole it from me!" he added pointing an accusatory finger. Ralph began stammering as he backed away from the Warner's through the doorway. "Ralph you've got some splanin' to do" Yakko answered imitating Dezi Arnaz's voice. Ralph's panicked mind started racing as his head began sweating. He was caught, stone cold busted. He immediately did the first thing that came to his mind. He bolted as far away as he could from the dining room with Warner's on his tail. Behind him he could hear Wakko's voice yelling "After him!" followed by a "Come back Wakko!" from Dot and Yakko. Ralph couldn't believe it. The Warner's were chasing him for once.

It's going to get really exciting from here on in now. It's not looking to good for Ralph now is it? Keep on the lookout for chapter 4 to see how it plays out. I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry if the Warner's seemed a little OOC. But I did my best to try to capture their personalities.

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