chapter 8

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March 7th


Peter's journal

It became clear after Stryker had the place surrounded along with a few of the students taken into custody for his own science experiments, Lauryn along with Nathan and I helping had got the others to safety not far from the mansion. It wasn't much but it was enough to keep us safe until professor Xavier could make arrangements for us, one thing was clear from Stryker's unannounced visit that he wanted a war and a war is what he was going to get.


After we found shelter elsewhere, Nathan and I made sure Lauryn wouldn't be harmed by Stryker or his men. I had been standing outside keeping watch while Nathan and Lauryn hid the kids in an underground bunker.

I had did my part by protecting Lauryn from the danger that threatened us, she would always have my heart no matter what happened to me after this was over. Nathan had walked over to where I was and helped me watch for any intruders in the area.

Nathan: you seem tense, are you okay?

Peter: I will be fine once this is over with.

Nathan: I understand your frustration, but what if this never ends? Lauryn and the kids can't hide forever.

Peter: I know they can't but the last thing I want is for them being harmed and as for you, well you have to protect them from now on.

Nathan: what do you mean? Lauryn is your girlfriend, you can't just leave without saying something to her.

Peter: I know you and I haven't gotten along but I want this to be over since I now know that Stryker wants me and he won't rest until I'm captured and brought back to him alive, will you keep her safe for me? I can't trust anyone else to protect her.

Nathan: I promise to keep her safe, it was an honor fighting beside you.

Peter: before I go, could you tell her that I am sorry that it had to be this way?

Nathan: of course, I suggest that you hurry before she comes here and sees you leaving.

I took his advice and left in a hurry, I knew it would break her heart but this was the only way she was truly safe from Stryjer forever and I knew Nathan could protect her better than I could.

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