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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Hunting Team, Farm and a Knock at 3 am

Big. T was happy with his new friend. I could tell by the way he croaked to me.

"What a cutie," I said.

But Big. F couldn't stay outside. It was too dangerous for a fish to be there. He wasn't as good at defending himself as Big. T.

I made him an aquarium inside my tiny cabin. It took up some of the space, which was already scarce, but at least Big. F was safe.

The sun had set by the time I got back, and the workers were gone, but I could see their progress through the window: some materials scattered in the lot, logs, and the base of the buildings.

It had been only a day, but I was quite impressed with how fast they worked. Based on my calculations, it would take them a month to finish everything.

My stomach growled with hunger, and the dinner for that night was fish. I won't lie. I felt a bit guilty cleaning the fish while looking at Big. F. They were not his relatives or anything, but seeing his face watching me made me uneasy.

I had to eat, and it was not like I had many options to choose from.

"Big. F, I promise I'll eat less fish once my farm starts producing crops. Okay?" I whispered to him.

I could swear he nodded back. The hunger was really messing with my head.

Anyway, after cleaning the fish it was time to cook them, and for that I used my wood stove! It didn't take long for the aroma of cooked fish to fill the room and escape outside!

But I expected my system to say something about cooking, yet it did not show. Maybe I was missing something?

The smell was so tempting that Big. T jumped on my window, looking at me and Big. F.

"Croak. Croak."

He wanted to come in, and of course I let him. Big. T had been my good friend since the beginning, so why would I say no to him?

I opened the window, and he instantly hopped on my shoulder. Adorable.

While I cooked the fish, Big. T hunted the mosquitoes and other bugs that were flying near my oil lamp. He was a helpful boy.

We all ate together that night, and Big T returned to his well afterward, leaving only me and Big F. I turned off all the lights and went to bed, sleeping like a baby.

The only reason I woke up was because of the noise coming from outside. The workers I hired were not slacking off, arriving for work almost before dawn.

Big. F was in his aquarium. I gave him a few worms, and then headed back to the river.

Was I going to fish more? No, of course not. I had to take a shower!

The whole reincarnation thing was so new and exciting that I forgot to shower since the first day I came to this world!

I was glad that Big. T and Big. F, my two true friends, didn't mind my smell.

I walked through the nearby forest with ease. There were hardly any dangerous animals inside, and those that were dangerous posed no threat to me.

As a third layer Qi Condensation cultivator, I could handle them.

The river was the reason Riverside got its name. It was so wide that it was hard to spot other people while bathing.

Still, despite being early, I looked for a secluded spot, checking the area several times before taking off my clothes and entering the river.