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39 Chapter 39: Tricking Ma Chen for an Alchemy Furnace

We departed from the main building and ascended towards the mountain peak where the Foundation Establishment cultivators resided, including myself. As we approached, I was aware that Tang Yusheng, being a Qi Condensation cultivator of only the first layer, required a special permit to enter this restricted area. It didn't take long for an Elder to intercept us.

The Elder, an old man who appeared more like a living corpse due to his age, greeted me with a nod of respect. "Elder Li," he acknowledged.

"Elder Shun," I replied in kind.

Knowing that Elder Shun would inquire about Tang Yusheng, I swiftly explained, "He is a new disciple, assigned to me by the Patriarch."

With that brief explanation, Elder Shun understood the significance of Tang Yusheng's presence and departed, likely returning to the library to ensure the disciples didn't engage in any foolishness.

We continued our journey towards my immortal cave, which, according to Sun Liang, was considered one of the best in the entire sect, second only to his and the Head Elder's caves.

I couldn't help but wonder why Sun Liang treated me with such favor. Was it solely due to my talent, or did he harbor other motives? Only time would reveal the answers to such questions.

Regardless, as we entered the cave, Tang Yusheng was awe-struck by the grandeur of his new dwelling. My immortal cave was vast, but the most remarkable aspect was the density of Qi permeating the air.

Even Tang Yusheng, who had yet to commence cultivation, could sense that something extraordinary was present within those walls.

"Can I truly live here with you? I don't want to hinder your cultivation," Tang Yusheng expressed his concern.

"Don't worry," I reassured him, pointing towards a stone door. "That room is specifically designed for secluded meditation, equipped with a formation that blocks external sounds. I will use that room."

The secluded meditation room was the ideal space for cultivation. Not that the rest of the immortal cave was unsuitable. On the contrary, the Qi density within my cave surpassed that of 99% of the caves in the sect.

However, as one ascended in cultivation, external disturbances could hinder progress. Hence, I chose to utilize the secluded room.

Tang Yusheng's curiosity grew as he noticed a separate room within the cave containing soil, resembling a small garden. "What is this? Will you farm here, just like in Riverside?" he asked.

I smiled, affirming his observation. "Yes, indeed. This is where I will continue my farming. It serves as a reminder of my connection to Riverside. Now, let me examine your cultivation technique and offer guidance."

While I wasn't the most accomplished cultivator, my understanding of absorbing Qi from the atmosphere and channeling it towards the Dantian surpassed that of Tang Yusheng. However, in order to provide him with the necessary guidance, I had to familiarize myself with his cultivation technique and its methods. According to the scroll Sun Liang had given him, practicing the technique while basking in sunlight yielded the best results. This made sense since the technique was specifically tailored for individuals with fire as their primary element.

"You can meditate in the garden area," I informed Tang Yusheng. "There's a formation in the roof that directs sunlight to the plants."

Tang Yusheng attentively absorbed every word I uttered. I found great satisfaction in his attentiveness. Despite being only fifteen years old, he did not exhibit the typical characteristics of most teenagers. Perhaps the hardships he endured in Riverside had forged his determination and resilience to surpass that of the average cultivator.