Overpower! Daniel vs Grant!

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Daniel's POV

"Scorbunny quick attack! Elekid use brick break!" I commanded


"Bee!" They both cried as Scorbunny ran in with lightning speed while Elekid rushed in and chopped down with a powered up arm.

The two collided and pushed each other back.

I was out at 6 am training on the battlefields before my battle with Graham.

"Looking good!" I said to both of them.

"Yo Dan!" A voice called out to me.

I turned to see Vix walking towards me with Rowlet perched on his head.

"What's good man?" I replied.

"Was doing the same as you." Vix said. "Didn't expect you to be up this early."

"Gotta get some last minute training in before my battle." I said. "I'm not about to lose to that asshole."

"You shouldn't underestimate him though." Vix spoke. "You saw how he battled in the admission exams."

"I'm not, don't worry." I said. "We'll just have to do our best, right guys?"


"Beebee!" Both my Pokémon cried confidently.

"If you say so." Vix said. "Good luck."

"Thanks man." I smiled.


Sometime later, I stood on my side of the battlefield, ready to battle. Braeden and Declan had shortly arrived to support me and with them a large crowd of people.

"This newbie is gonna battle Grant?!"

"It's over for bro."

"He's aboutta get swept."

The doubtful voices didn't really bother me. All I wanted was to knock Grant down a few pegs.

"You got this Dan!!"

"Win it!!" Braeden and Declan cheered, while Vix gave me a silent nod.

I smiled and held my fist up at them and turned to look at the gym door, waiting for Grant to come through.

20 minutes later...

Still no Grant...what the hell is he doing?

"Bro what's taking him so long?"

"You think he's scared?" The crowd whispered.

Suddenly the gym door opened and Grant walked in with a yawn.

"Where the hell were you?" I asked him. "Our battle was supposed to start 20 minutes ago."

"Why should I be on time to battle someone weaker than me?" He smugly said. "I just slept in some more."

This pissed me off. He's not taking our battle seriously at all!

"You." Grant said pointing at a random person in the crowd.

"Me?" He asked.

"Yeah, you." Grant answered. "Come be the ref for our match."

"Uh...ok." He said walking to the center of the field.

He cleared his throat.

"Alrigjt, this will be a 2v2! The battle will be over if either side loses all their Pokémon." He said.

"Like that's happening." Grant said.

"Bring out your first Pokémon!" The ref said.

"Elekid go!" I said as I threw out my Pokéball and Elekid popped out of it.

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