4) Please Don't Go

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Doctor's POV

"DERPY!" I screamed. I was frantically running around trying to find a trace of where she was. "DERPY!" I screamed once more. 'Please, please be okay.' I thought.

I then heard a scream far away, I automatically thought 'Derpy' I ran faster to were I heard the scream. "HOLD ON DERPY I'M COMING!" I yelled. So many different scenarios played in my head all at once. I just started thinking about the tombstone, is this how I'm going to lose her? Was this going to be the last time I ever got to hear his voice. Was this going to be the last time I heard her sweet giggles. Was this going to be the last memory I had of her? .............

It's funny how life is sometimes. One moment you could be laughing and having the best time and then one thing could destroy all that. It's funny that one thing can destroy something. One thing could be a word, an action, or even a person. I blame myself for being that one thing in derpys life...

The faster I ran, the farther I felt from derpy. I felt everytime I ran a foot, her screaming would be another mile away. My hearts were about to explode from all the running. Just as I thought I would never reach her, I finally found her.

The grass in this area was dead. Which was odd, there was no grass anywhere else but this area. Everytime I walked I just felt the crunch of dead grass under my hooves. My gut kept saying this is a trap but I ignored it. All I wanted was derpy. A grey mare lied on the grass. Not moving. "Derpy" I said under my breathe. I started moving towards her, quickening my pace.

I stood over the mare, looking down at her. Her maine was covering her face and lied there motionless. I Nudged her softly. "Derpy" I said. " come on love, get up." No response. No movement. My hearts dropped. "Derpy." I said with a little panic in my voice. She didn't move an inch. I moved the hair from her face.

She was stareing off into the distance, her eyes were souless. It seemed like she wasn't there anymore. "Derpy" I mumbled. In that moment, I finally saw blood slowly dripping from her snout.

I honestly felt like I was murdered with derpy. I can't scream. I can't run. The only thing I can do is cry. Cry hard, and harder. Derpy Please don't go.... The word 'Why' is the only thing I hear flying around in my mind. Why would I bring her. Why did I leave her alone. Why was I also responsible for her death.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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