Chapter 19

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Ouch my head hurts. I reached up to cup the back of my head. No blood, but definitely a lump. I groaned and tried opening my eyes. It took me a couple of times to clear my vision and I felt a bit sick. Yep, I have a concussion.

"She's finally awake," said a voice I didn't recognise. Arms went around me to help me sit up and move back against the wall for support.

I tried to focus. Several faces looked back at me. I recognised them from The Foundation, but I didn't know any of them well.

"Let me try again," said a blonde on my left as she reached a hand around to the back of my neck. I felt the heat of her healing energy, although it wasn't as strong as Willow's had been.

I did feel slightly better though. "Thank you."

She smiled. "You've been out for a while."

"I have?" How long?

"Mm-hmm" She nodded, grimacing, "it's Tuesday." What?! How had I lost two days? My grandmother must be worried sick. I rubbed at the back of my head again.

"What's your name?" Asked a brunette on my right.

"Erm..." it was on the tip of my tongue.

"Her name's Honey; she's friends with Willow." Another girl answered for me. I looked at her more closely. Isn't she in my class? I thought her name was Violet.

"Willow, The Crone's ward?" Asked the brunette. Violet nodded.

"Well that's good isn't it?" Asked the blonde who had healed me. "They'll be looking for her," She said, pointing at me. "They're sure to find us now right?" Her voice was heavy with hope.

"Where are we exactly?" I asked hoping someone would know. That would be a good start to the 'getting us the hell out of here' plan I was going to have to come up with. Most of the girls shook their heads. Not a good sign.

"I think it's a warehouse of some kind," answered Violet. "I heard one of the guys saying something about crates."

"Crates of what?" I asked, hoping for more detail. But she just shrugged and bit her lip. I looked around the room for clues, it looked like an office of some kind but apart from a boarded up window there wasn't much to look at. My mum and Wynne weren't here so they must be holding them somewhere else. "Does anyone know who took us? Or what they want?"

"Definitely Vamps, but no idea why. We're not exactly the most powerful Witches there are." Said the brunette shrugging. None of the girls seemed to disagree with that statement.

"Have they been in here? Talked to anyone?" I had a horrible suspicion that if they didn't want us for our magic, then it was for our blood. I shuddered, remembering the last time I was bitten by a Vampire.

"They took my friend, but she hasn't come back." The blonde had tears welling in her eyes. "They made some joke about giving her a power boost."

I squeezed her arm. "It's going to be OK," I promised her. "Power boost?" I murmured. "Why would Vamps take Witches and give them power? That makes no sense." How can they even give us any power? A lot of blank faces stared back at me. A horrible thought crossed my mind. "Is there any way they could give us someone else's power?" I asked, a slight tone of panic in my voice.

Violet looked thoughtful for a moment. "Vampires couldn't; unless they're trying to make us like the Pured?" She was thinking out loud. I shook my head. I didn't think that was it.

"The Crone could give us some of her power, but not Vamps. Vamps and Witches don't mix." Stated the brunette. "I don't think so." She suddenly looked unsure.

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